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/** Search */

Content Management



Hits: 436

eLineStudio Site Composer

Hits: 435


Hits: 434


Hits: 424
The 2Toads webmanager is made
an ideal web cms solution for
CSSEditor is an XML based CSS
An ASP and Acess database
for those who want to be
building & managing
file manager. This product
driven content managment
able to maintain their own
small to large websites
will manage several CSS
system, which allows you to
websites without the help of
through an easy to use
files whilst maintaining a
add, modify and delete one
often expensive web
master list of shared CSS
page articles/pages and
designers and web
web interface. eLineStudio
styles for use within all or
links from a web browser via
programmers. There is no
Site Composer is a 100%
some of the CSS files. With
the Admin Panel. The
special skill required to
a reasonable understanding
articles/pages can be
use the 2Toads webmanager,
database-driven web content
of CSS and XSLT CSSEditor
organized into categories.
you do not have to attend
management system that helps
can be extended to include
You can setup multiple users
lengthy and time consuming
companies to better manage,
any CSS property that the
with access to add, modify
seminars or classes to
update & share web
user may require. Requires
and delete articles/pages
figure out how to use the
content. Features:
MSXML 3 or 4 to be installed
from the site. A template is
2Toads webmanager, we keep
unlimited sitemap level,
on the web server.
used to present the
things simple, the only
multiple templates, WYSIWYG
articles/pages giving the
thing you need is a computer
HTML editor,
web page designer control
with a internet connection,
checkin/checkout, approval,
over the sites looks.
and the ability to write,
archiving, versioning, etc.
BunnyCMS is freeware (though
and since you are reading
donations are appreciated if
this here, we assume that
you like it) so you can
writing is no problem.
always mess about with it to
:-) In the 2Toads
see if you want to use it or
webmanager you can add pages
not. Version 1a fixes a
to your web with a click of
bug in the search feature
a button.

Date: Jul, 22 2003

Date: Apr, 30 2005

Date: Jul, 18 2002

Date: Jul, 05 2004
Easibuild is an incredibly
IOnEdit 2001 makes it
webX2000 is a flexible
This is an example of a
versatile system that allows
possible for anyone to
framework for dynamic
templating website via .asp,
you to build and maintain
create, edit and maintain
web-sites, where the client
which also includes the
your own dynamic Web site.
web pages, without the need
can design, edit and
asptear.dll that will need
This content management
for HTML knowledge or
administer his web-pages as
to be registered on your
system is simple to use and
programming specialists.
simply as in a Word
system, to allow the
very affordable.
IOnEdit 2001, utilizing a
document, entirely through
extraction of data from
familiar graphical editor,
the help of the browser.
other websites. You can put
handles the conversion of
content in the template with
plain text to HTML behind
the content= variable or get
the scenes so users can make
content from other websites.
a broad array of changes to
The result of the .asp page
their web pages and
will be put into the content
immediately send them to a
window. To change the menu
live website. With IOnEdit
selections edit the
2001, you can: Maintain web
menu/menu_var.js file. A
content through standard web
future version will
browsers including Internet
implement the event
Explorer and Netscape; Edit
listings, and headlines.
both static and dynamic
website content through a
familiar graphical
interface; Manage website
files through an Explorer
look-and-feel site manager;
Take advantage of its
flat-file design, which does
not require the use of a
database; and If desired,
customize just our ActiveX
control editor to be tied to
any database back-end.

Date: Jun, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 12 2001

Date: Dec, 13 2000

Date: Jan, 08 2002
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