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Content Management


CodeAvalanche GameSite

Hits: 485

CodeAvalanche Articles

Hits: 721
Content Management System
CodeAvalanche GameSite is asp
CodeAvalanche Articles is asp
with Secure Admin Area (4
content management system
application which allows
database-driven web content
Levels), easy WYSIWYG
for online flash games site.
webmasters to easy publish
management system with
editing and many Features
It allows any webmaster to
articles on their website.
community, e-commerce,
and Modules (Dynamic
create and run its own
Application has a control
database and statistics
Navigation, Photo Gallery,
online game site within
panel for adding and editing
add-on modules for creating,
Event Calendar, Forum,
minutes. Website is managed
articles. Users can search
publishing and managing
Guestbook (Anti-Spam Modes),
with easy to use control
articles and even see what
websites with advanced,
Sitemap, Contact Form,
panel and website look can
other users search for.
dynamic end-user and website
Newsletter, Asset Manager
be easy changed using CSS.
administrator functionality.
...). The System is
It is delivered with 20
Includes advanced WYSIWYG
multilingual - both Website
allerady added games.
editing, workflow, staging,
and Admin area. Comes with
scheduling, automatically
full Source Code (no DLLs).
generated content lists,
Only one Design file for
multilingual content,
easy formating and
advanced scripting, personal
developing. Free online
workspace and access
Demos are available.
permissions for website
administrators as well as
for visitors. Easy creation
of as many templates/style
sheets as required. Example
usage: Create a
multi-lingual website and
Extranet and Intranet
websites with product
catalogue, shopping cart,
user registration, message
boards, discussion forums,
weblogs and email
newsletters. Manage the
website with multiple
website administrators with
differentiated access
restrictions and publishing
workflow processes. Includes
open program source code for
unlimited customisation and
integration with other

Date: May, 23 2006

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: May, 05 2006
ASP-CMS is aimed to be a good
fipsCMS light is the small
ASP SpellCheck - The spell
Accura Content Management
easy to use and manage web
and easy to use free Version
checking component for
System allowing your clients
based content management
of our commercial Content
Microsoft ASP web
to manage and edit their
system. It will include all
Management System. It uses a
applications. Allows your
website content anytime and
possible features that a web
MS Access Database and has a
website users to use a
anywhere. Using intuitive
application can have like a
WYSIWYG Editor for easy
word-processor grade
and familiar Ms-Word
web portal. It will have
maintaining the pages. Just
spellchecker on your website
Processing type interfaces.
good administration features.
have a try with the Online
forms. W3C HTML and XHTML
It's ideal for anyone who
compliant & good
does site content
maintenance to their
ASPSpellCheck even be used
clients. Administrator can
virtual/shared hosting. Now
decide what pages are
100% compatable with IE,
editable and which editing
FireFox (Mac and PC),
tools to appear or set edit
Safari, Mac IE and many more.
content only. No need to
panic for wrong updates - it
has auto /manual backup
facilities which can be
restored anytime. Features
includes Page access
control, Editing tools
Restrictions, multi-user
facilities more., If you are
a web designer offering the
freedom of site maintenance
to your client, you'll love
- you get to decide what
pages are editable and which
editing tools to appear !The
unique advantage of the Site
CMS is that it doesn't use
back-end database! It simply
pick up on the existing
htm/html pages in the
directory where you install

Date: Apr, 30 2006

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 16 2006
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