
popular collection of scripts for all

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Content Management



Hits: 501

ASP Content Management

Hits: 936

ASP Login script with ms-access

Hits: 847
ArticleMentor is another spin
Content management solution
This script features:
of from FAQMentor. The big
based on IIS, ASP, and MS
This useful ASP
difference is that it is
database-driven web content
Access. Add, edit, and
application allows users to
even more focused on text
management system with
update all pages with a
self-register. Admin
handling. Main features
community, e-commerce,
web-based WYSIWYG page
approves or deletes users.
include: show multipage
database and statistics
editor. Edit site colors,
Admin has ability to suspend
articles (with automatic
add-on modules for creating,
titles, and more with the
users temporarily. Different
next/prev buttons), all
publishing and managing
web-based administrator.
access levels. Configurable
articles in subcategories
websites with advanced,
Very easy to setup and use.
header, footer and skin
and subcategories can be put
dynamic end-user and website
Asp Content Management is
files. Application sends
in categories, uses Access
administrator functionality.
open-source and released
email to admin to alert of
or SQL Server as backend,
Includes advanced WYSIWYG
under the GPL license. A
new registrations. Script
articles can contain HTML
editing, workflow, staging,
version using the MySQL
tracks number of logins by
tags, articles can also be
scheduling, automatically
database is also available.
users. Users have ability to
co called 'external links' -
generated content lists,
New version released May/04
update their Profile. Script
when you just specify an url
multilingual content,
includes authorized user
as articletext then when
advanced scripting, personal
page view. Script includes
user clicks on the article
workspace and access
un-authorized user page
he/she will be redirected to
permissions for website
view. Password recovery
that url.
administrators as well as
for visitors. Easy creation
of as many templates/style
sheets as required. Example
usage: Create a
multi-lingual website and
Extranet and Intranet
websites with product
catalogue, shopping cart,
user registration, message
boards, discussion forums,
weblogs and email
newsletters. Manage the
website with multiple
website administrators with
differentiated access
restrictions and publishing
workflow processes. Includes
open program source code for
unlimited customisation and
integration with other

Date: Sep, 12 2000

Date: May, 23 2006

Date: Dec, 05 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006
New Version 1.1 !!!!! No
ASP Publish2 is a complete
ASP SpellCheck - The spell
ASP Spell Check is a
longer do you need the
fully configurable ASP-based
checking component for
SpellCheck component for
absolute path. This
publishing system. The
Microsoft ASP web
Microsoft ASP web
script scans a directory for
system is based on pure ASP
applications. Allows your
applications. ASP Spell
html files and then grabs
code and require no COM+
website users to use a
Check provides international
the title from the file and
objects. All the data is
word-processor grade
spellchecking in 11
builds a menu of hrefs (the
stored on a MS Access 97
spellchecker on your website
languages - including
html in the menu can be
database (SQL Server
forms. W3C HTML and XHTML
English, French, German,
customised). For more
provided on demand). All
compliant & good
Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,
free scripts see
articles will be stored in a
Swedish, Danish and
database, and no one will be
ASPSpellCheck even be used
Spanish. SpellCheck
displayed before the
virtual/shared hosting. Now
integrates seamlessly with
publisher marks it
100% compatable with IE,
Forms on Websites, Content
published. Supports an
FireFox (Mac and PC),
management systems, Web-mail
unlimited number of users,
Safari, Mac IE and many more.
applications, Rich Editors
categories and articles.
Intranets. ASP
SpellCheck works very much
like popular word-processing
spellcheckers. Advanced
Suggestion ranking algorithm
(based on Genome mapping
technology). A new
JavaScript interface allows
you to use the spellchecker
without ASP at all. ASP
SpellCheck has many unique
and advanced features
spellcheckers, including:
AutoCorrrect, Grammar
Checking, Profanity
Filtering & Personal
Dictionaries for each
User. Now Supports Flash
Actionscript, JavaScript,
ASP, ASP,Net and AJAX.

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Oct, 02 2001

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Aug, 03 2006
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