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/** Search */

Content Management


Property Site Manager CMS

Hits: 577


Hits: 521

Purepage HTML Conversion Engine

Hits: 150


Hits: 121
Property Site Manager (realty
PSnews is a simple but very
Purepage is a COM component
Quickezine is a dynamic news
cms) is a full ASP/VB
effective Content Management
that allows you to create
site implemented in MS ASP
content management system
System. Features: Add
pure html pages that retain
& Microsoft Access.
(CMS) for property companies
Members (with different
the look and feel of the
With Quickezine you can
and real estate agents to
access levels), Edit
original document as well as
easily and quickly start
easily update their listings
Members, Delete Members;
many options that give
your own news portal or
with site statistics,admin
Add/Edit/Delete News;
developers flexibility in
online ezine service. Main
control panel, mailing list
Visitor logging; Smilie
design. Developers can use
features include: Web based
manager,image upload, simple
Support; Support for
purepage to quickly and
news/content upload feature,
Microsoft Access 2000 and
easily build powerful Web
Facility to delete news,
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Publishing applications that
Email News to friends
Databases; Printer Friendly
give businesses the means to
Links; Direct linking to
effectively deliver existing
individual news articles;
business documents to
Email auto responder (to
Email web site administrator
partners, customers and
Admin) to inform any new
and users on events
employees. It allows you to
uploads, Option to accept
(customisable); 'Last Seen'
add powerful HTML export,
Picture/image in the news,
Date logged in database for
conversion and reporting
Option to modify uploaded
member tracking; Hyperlinks
capabilities to your ASP
news content, Also News can
and Images available in news
Internet or Intranet
be grouped so that related
articles, but blocks HTML
applications, and
news can be automatically
dynamically create HTML
shown below an article,
documents from virtually any
Option to specify number of
Windows document (including
content to be shown in the
Microsoft Office files and
main content area and in the
many others). Its simple yet
left link titles, and more.
powerful COM interface can
be used in any language that
supports industry standard
COM (including Visual Basic,
Delphi, C++, Active Server
Pages, Cold Fusion and more).

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Jun, 11 2001

Date: Sep, 07 2004
QuickTable is an ASP
Quiz/poll application is done
This is an example of a
Portal creation system and
component that helps you
templating website via .asp,
user management, polls,
produce professional tables
application has
which also includes the
mailing lists, themes,
from data in ASP, in a
sophisticated administration.
asptear.dll that will need
macros, account groups, user
matter of seconds. It allows
to be registered on your
profiling, custom rights,
you to display your SQL
system, to allow the
API, more! Available
Server, Oracle, and XML data
extraction of data from
plug-ins include: Message
in high-quality HTML tables
other websites. You can put
Board, Image Gallery, MP3
with minimal programming.
content in the template with
Catalog and News Systems.
the content= variable or get
content from other websites.
The result of the .asp page
will be put into the content
window. To change the menu
selections edit the
menu/menu_var.js file. A
future version will
implement the event
listings, and headlines.

Date: Jan, 02 2001

Date: Dec, 20 2004

Date: Jan, 08 2002

Date: Sep, 11 2004
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