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/** Search */

Content Management



Hits: 292


Hits: 435

Atrax.ComboBox Component

Hits: 516


Hits: 153
Based on the Microsoft's
The 2Toads webmanager is made
The Atrax.ComboBox component
pcEasySite is designed to
article on how IIS opens up
for those who want to be
is a COM object for Active
provide an easy, quick and
the file system on the Web
able to maintain their own
Server Pages. It's primary
affordable program to edit
server, WinASP allows you to
websites without the help of
purpose is to create HTML
web site content through
open files anywhere on the
often expensive web
select elements from
your browser. Program
Web server, edit text files,
designers and web
disparate data formats.
utilizes a built-in WYSIWYG
view the content of Access
programmers. There is no
Currently supported formats
editor, image insertion,
databases located on the Web
special skill required to
are: ODBC-Compliant
multiple templates, and raw
server and delete records.
use the 2Toads webmanager,
Databases. VBscript, JScript
HTML insertion. Program is
Includes a forum for
you do not have to attend
or similar Strings,
entirely ASP based and is
collaborative development.
lengthy and time consuming
delimited, and Well Formed
powered by an Access 2000
Use this application to
seminars or classes to
XML files.
database. pcEasySite
remotely edit your site.
figure out how to use the
includes several useful
Sorry Netscape users but
2Toads webmanager, we keep
modules such as user
this application only works
things simple, the only
security, integrated comment
with IE 4 or higher.
thing you need is a computer
and tell-a-friend functions.
with a internet connection,
and the ability to write,
and since you are reading
this here, we assume that
writing is no problem.
:-) In the 2Toads
webmanager you can add pages
to your web with a click of
a button.

Date: Aug, 08 2003

Date: Jul, 22 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003
Easibuild is an incredibly
eQuercus Pro is both a
It is easy to edit muliple
AWS HTML Producer is an
versatile system that allows
Content Management System
sites, give your clients
enterprise-level HTML
you to build and maintain
(CMS) and a Site Management
access to only their site to
processing solution that not
your own dynamic Web site.
System (SMS) based on a
edit. 100% web-based content
only provides advanced HTML
This content management
database. It simply and
management complete with
template parsing features,
system is simple to use and
completely manages websites
HTML editor.
but also extracts virtually
very affordable.
using a browser. Try this
any data from any web site!
product for creating and
Among dozens of other cool
administering a dynamic
features, new version has
website in various
full support for nested tags
languages. A working demo
and lets you select
available at the author's
information for extracting
site. Special offer for a
simply by search string or
limited time: only $149.00.
RegEx pattern. Extract the
latest stock indices,
currency rates, weather,
news and more with a few
lines of code! See demos on
the web site.

Date: Jun, 18 2003

Date: Jun, 02 2003

Date: May, 21 2003

Date: Mar, 25 2003
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