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Chat Scripts


OnLive Help

Hits: 313

CrazyBeavers Chat

Hits: 688

MaxWebPortal Chat module

Hits: 898

Gchats 3d Virtual Chat

Hits: 339
OnLive Help provides you
Easy to use chat application
123 Flash Chat server
Innovated 3d web-based flash
everything needed to add
written in ASP. It does NOT
software is
chat and messenger virtual
real-time online assistance
require a refresh to get new
world for your website.Our
to your web site. Your
messages. Has a simple list
high-performance Java chat
clientele will be able to
visitors will be able to
with online users and the
server plus stunning Flash
add customized environments
communicate with you through
possibility to whisper
chat client! It's a fast,
or select from our
a one on one chat system
messages to speific users.
easy and affordable way to
templates. Features
designed specifically for
It has been tested to work
host and manage real-time
: - Private and Public
online assistance. There
with Internet Explorer,
communication. 123 Flash
Messaging - Moderator
is no servers or software to
Opera and Firefox!
Chat server software can
options and ability to
install. There is no
integrate existing database
define mods -
complicated PHP, CGI or ASP
of forum or website. It's
Unlimited/Limited room
scripts to configure. Just
most-customizable to admin
capacity allowance -
sign up for your free
and end-user. With the
Confirmation friends list
account and answer a few
MOD/ module for
and ignore option -
question in our online setup
MaxWebPortal, you will be
Customized Avatars and
wizard. Then we give you one
assisted to embed a
Customized environments -
line of HTML code to paste
real-time chatroom with
Timed member misconduct boot
into your web page and
MaxWebPartol database
Chat history **Free
that's it. It takes less
integrated into your
installation** and much
then 10 minutes.
website. Once logged in
MaxWebPortal, user don't
have to enter username or
password again to access

Date: Jul, 26 2005

Date: Jun, 14 2005

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Jan, 28 2005
Yabber is a simple Web based
Free live support . Add free
The Maxtricity Tagger is a
New interface making it
chat application. It makes
live support to your
small ASP script that
easier than ever to change
no claims to being overly
website. Online request
includes 3 pages for use, an
rooms, pm, create rooms,
spectacular or doing
Alert, Good looking chat
Access Database for data
send emoticons. Upgraded
anything that other Web
window. Do not required to
storage, and a folder of
admin interface. New setup
based chat applications
install any software.
smiley images. With this
file making installation
can't do. Yabber started
script, users can post small
easier than ever.
life as a project in which
messages on your website for
we wanted to store ASP
other users to read and
(Active Server Pages) in a
respond to. It includes an
single DLL rather than in
admin section to edit and
multiple text files (which
delete messages. It is very
can be fiddled by anyone).
easy to integrate into an
It grew out of curiosity
existing user or admin
(and boredom) rather than
system. Hope you enjoy it!
any real necessity to dazzle
the computer world.

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 28 2004

Date: Oct, 20 2004

Date: Sep, 21 2004
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