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Chat Scripts


EC ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom

Hits: 540

Adventia Chat Server

Hits: 494


Hits: 492
ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom,
Ajax Chat Room with private
Adventia Chat Server is an
LiveChat is an easy to
This system runs using AJAX
chat It is fast and flicker
ASP chat that allows you to
install live chat
so no page refreshing is
less. You will get full
easily add HTML-only chat
application written in ASP
required, checks the status
source code and can modify
rooms to your site,
and VBScript. It features
of the users and shows
as you like.
transforming your web site
moods, users online, and
whether they are idle,
or intranet into a dynamic
typing or sleeping, as well
and successful online
as the time since they were
community comprised of
last active. The cost of
customers, users, suppliers
this system is R20.00 South
or employees. Adventia Chat
African (Approx $3)
Server is also versatile and
uniquely suited to be used
in distance learning
sessions, moderated events,
virtual meetings or just
social real-time
conversations. It is simple
to customize and can be
easily integrated with the
existing web or intranet
site. Its user-friendly
capabilities allow users to
interact using any type and
any version of browser. No
plug-ins, Java applets or
any other script downloads
are required. Some of its
key features are: Automatic
refresh of conversation
frame, Private conversations
between users, Ulimited
number of users,
Configurable timeout of
inactive users, and Control
panel for administrator.

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Jul, 03 1999

Date: Jan, 16 2001
ASPMultiChat is a server-side
Unique and flicker free chat
Unlimited people can chat
ConquerChat is an HTML-based
component that adds chat
system, written in Active
among each other on your
chat programmed using ASP.
capabilities to Internet
Server Pages. Key
site. asp / flash based
It features user list
Information Server (IIS)
features are: - Password
can run on any windows /
display, clean interface,
running on Windows NT(2000)
protected admin features.
Unix (Unix with chillisoft
optional cookie-based user
platform. The component
- Smiley icons, can be
installed). Provide your
tracking, multiple rooms and
helps site builder to design
turned on/off by chat user.
own IM based chat room on
more. For it to run
chat site only by modifying
- Private messages, can be
your site Visitors on
properly, you will need to
the sample ASP files. The
turned on/off by chat user.
your site can chat with
modifiy your 'global.asa'
chat has all the necessary
- Auto login with cookies.
other visitors by private
features: Private Messaging,
- Change chat layout real
messaging or chat in public
Customizable Mood Symbols,
time by chat user. -
room. You can host these
User Profiling, Multiple
Ignore function controlled
scripts on shared windows
Chat Rooms, and so on. Chat
by chat user. - Multiple
hosting on windows 2000 or
can be easily localized to
chat rooms (unlimited
windows 2003 server. All
any language. No client-side
rooms). - Kick/ban
files are uploaded on your
Java-applets, Plug-ins or
function controlled by chat
server so you have complete
ActiveX needed. There is
admins. - Invisible admin
privacy with no third party
nothing for the client to
chat function. - Flicker
involved. Sound alerts in
free system for passing chat
chat . Visitors can Turn
text and online list. -
On/Off alert sounds. Run
Clickable links and mail
on your server and see
addresses. - Anti
increase in regular traffic
flood/spam system in the
to your site. Are you a
chat. - No
developer? fla can be
"yelling" with
purchased ask us. Fonts /
uppercase letters. -
colors can be controlled as
Always shows usernames with
per your / visitor desire
first letters in uppercase.
from your configuration file
- Anti IP hiding through
and even on run time. Add
proxy servers. -
your company name / logo.
Automatic log off of
Use multiple language full
inactive users.
free support Visitor
Requires: Internet Explorer
doesn't need to download any
v4 or newer, MySQL database
and a Windows based
webserver with support for

Date: Jan, 24 2002

Date: Sep, 13 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2004

Date: Mar, 10 2003
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