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Chat Scripts


ASP Chat Box

Hits: 2148

ASP ChatNow

Hits: 1083


Hits: 1025
Asp Chat Box s a free and
New Features Include Improved
ASP ChatNow is a Active
ShoutBox! is an asp chat
easy to use chat application
Swear Filtering System, Anti
Server Pages (ASP) based
application with a twist
can be used in a simple
Flooding System, User can
chatroom. It does not
that once attached to your
website. This version of
delete their own post in a
require any special
site will let your users
AspChatBox can read and
specified time by Admin,
components to run, and it
talk and hold discussions
write only a single file. If
Auto Converting of Posted
does not require the use of
between them while surfing
you can work on thi script,
Links to clickable
global.asa like most other
your site. This chat app,
you may write a custom
URL,Exclusive Admin
chat rooms! ChatNow also
doesn't require any 3rd
script for you.
Nicknames cannot be used bu
does not have to
party components, applets,
Users,Improved fool proof
"refresh" the page
plug-ins or databases, it's
System and Many More.
to get new messages, and
ready to run and easy to
FREE! Update* Now
that makes ChatNow unquie to
Includes the AJAX Interface.
most other ASP Chatrooms.
AJAX lets you post message
Have ChatNow setup and
without refreshing the
running within minutes. The
only thing that needs to be
configured is the
administrator password.

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Dec, 26 2006

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: May, 27 2006
Just visit the page, copy the
Toxiclab Asp Shoutbox is a
123 Flash Chat server
Live support helps you
code and paste it where you
free simple shoutbox script
software is
increase you sales and
want to start chatting. Its
written in Asp. It uses a Ms
increase your customer
free of cost with Thousands
Access database to store
high-performance Java chat
confidence on your
of Visitors every time. Its
messages. The script is made
server plus stunning Flash
services.Real time live
easy and valuable for your
to be easily customized.
chat client! It's a fast,
support chat with your
visitors. Check out today.
easy and affordable way to
customers will give your
host and manage real-time
company a great boost.Chat
communication. 123 Flash
with your client on real
Chat server software can
time , admin can add
integrate existing database
unlimited department and
of forum or website. It's
operators. Operator will be
most-customizable to admin
notified when new chat
and end-user. With the
request has been made. fast
MOD/ module for
and easy to use works with
MaxWebPortal, you will be
low bandwidth.
assisted to embed a
real-time chatroom with
MaxWebPartol database
integrated into your
website. Once logged in
MaxWebPortal, user don't
have to enter username or
password again to access

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Jul, 05 2006
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