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Chat Scripts



Hits: 426

FlyLip Wesbsite Chat

Hits: 172
SpitOutBox is a very easy to
All ASP & HTML coding, no
Enterprise Instant Messaging,
Unlimited people can chat
use ASP script that serves
ActiveX or Java, Supports in
Message archiving, IP
among each other on your
as a guestbook/chat.
chat private messaging,
filtering, Referer
site. asp / flash based
Visitors at your site can
Customizable logo and page
filtering, Corporate groups,
can run on any windows /
quickly and easily leave a
titles,Bad word filter, User
Customizable user groups,
Unix (Unix with chillisoft
greeting or have small
formatting of comments
Bad word filtering, Supports
installed). Provide your
conversations. No database
(bold, underline, italic,
simutaneous converstions in
own IM based chat room on
required. Anti spam
color) and
multiple windows, User
your site Visitors on
function. Including full
Emoticons. Full source
message formatting (bold,
your site can chat with
code included, No complex
underline, italic, color),
other visitors by private
coding required, Simple
Emoticons, Full featured
messaging or chat in public
setup, Requires IE 5.0, NS
room. You can host these
6, Mozilla 1.4 or higher
scripts on shared windows
hosting on windows 2000 or
windows 2003 server. All
files are uploaded on your
server so you have complete
privacy with no third party
involved. Sound alerts in
chat . Visitors can Turn
On/Off alert sounds. Run
on your server and see
increase in regular traffic
to your site. Are you a
developer? fla can be
purchased ask us. Fonts /
colors can be controlled as
per your / visitor desire
from your configuration file
and even on run time. Add
your company name / logo.
Use multiple language full
free support Visitor
doesn't need to download any

Date: Aug, 08 2004

Date: Apr, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 15 2004

Date: Mar, 29 2004
This is a chat application,
Lundlay ASP Script Chat is a
This chat application is
ASP Chat application that
built with HTML, ASP, and a
complete plug-and-play chat
implemented entirely in ASP
allows an unlimited number
dash of client-side
application. Features: Fast,
and is ready to run
of rooms with moderators.
JavaScript. No software to
IP-address tracking, a “kick
immediately. All you need to
Other features include: No
install, no upgrades to
smb out of chat” function,
do is create a virtual
Refresh, Ban Users, Foul
download; a totally thin
multiple rooms,
directory for the
Lanuage filter, Admin
client. The key to making
multilingual, CSS skins,
application, and copy the
Screen, View/Print
this so simple is the use of
private messages, easy
files from the .zip file
Conversations, Reports and
Application variables. Not
customization. It requires
into that directory.
only is data storage as
no special server, no java
simple as reading and
and no plug-ins. No
writing from the
configuration required.
Application() collection,
but since everything on the
server is in memory,
processing is lightning-fast.

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: May, 07 2003
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