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Chat Scripts



Hits: 483

Site Message

Hits: 218

Shoutbox Tagboard

Hits: 200

ZBit Chat

Hits: 166
ConquerChat is an HTML-based
A chat script where your
A shoutbox/tagboard where
ASP source code for fast chat
chat programmed using ASP.
guests can register as
your visitors can leave a
with no page refreshes.
It features user list
members of your web site and
short message with a smiley.
Written in ASP and DHTML
display, clean interface,
chat each other. It is
Uses an access database
only. No hidden java
optional cookie-based user
written in turkish, but
(included in the download).
applets, frames or layers.
tracking, multiple rooms and
contact the author for an
Works with IE 4+ &
more. For it to run
english version. There is no
Netscape 6+ on Win, Mac and
properly, you will need to
mail component. Admin part
Unix. Features: Admistration
modifiy your 'global.asa'
is available.
page and many customization
parameters including Abusive
words filter, Private
messages, Can be optionally
hooked up to a databse for
user authentication, Style
coding, count indicators,
Server side logging of all
chats, Fast response even on
a relatively slow
connection, Fully commented
and easy-to-read code for
advanced customizations and

Date: Mar, 10 2003

Date: Feb, 21 2003

Date: Dec, 09 2002

Date: May, 06 2002
ASPMultiChat is a server-side
AlohaPost is a cross-browser
This is a little database
LiveChat is an easy to
component that adds chat
messageboard / chat program
driven ASP chat bot that
install live chat
capabilities to Internet
that enables users to
simulates a conversation
application written in ASP
Information Server (IIS)
communicate via your
with a sales assistant, etc.
and VBScript. It features
running on Windows NT(2000)
website. Easily configurable
moods, users online, and
platform. The component
to compliment any website,
helps site builder to design
it uses ASP, and DHTML to
chat site only by modifying
refresh the post screen.
the sample ASP files. The
Also features language
chat has all the necessary
filters, auto archives,
features: Private Messaging,
dynamic refresh, and more.
Customizable Mood Symbols,
It requires client browsers
User Profiling, Multiple
to be Netscape 4.0 or
Chat Rooms, and so on. Chat
greater and IE 5.0 or
can be easily localized to
any language. No client-side
Java-applets, Plug-ins or
ActiveX needed. There is
nothing for the client to

Date: Jan, 24 2002

Date: May, 11 2001

Date: Jan, 25 2001

Date: Jan, 16 2001
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