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Chat Scripts


EC ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom

Hits: 540

ThisIWant Chatroom

Hits: 691

ECDesigns Shoutbox

Hits: 299
ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom,
Monitor your website visitors
Chatroom A simple yet
ShoutBox is a application
This system runs using AJAX
in real-time, invite them to
functional Chatroom. It's
that lets your visitors hold
so no page refreshing is
chat (proactive chat), and
easy to install and use. It
real time chats while
required, checks the status
provide live customer
supports large number of
surfing your site. No Dll's
of the users and shows
support. It's web-based, no
users. Features allow users
to install, no global.asa to
whether they are idle,
dll's and you can host under
to chat freely with other
edit and less than 16k in
typing or sleeping, as well
your own site. We provide
users in real time. Users
size. can be included on any
as the time since they were
free installations, free
can also send private
page, requires access
last active. The cost of
upgrades, and the newest
messages to other users.
database. can be maintained
this system is R20.00 South
version is 100% bugs free!
to allow all users or only
African (Approx $3)
Features include live
registered users to post a
monitoring, proactive chat,
click-to-chat, canned
messages, customizable logo
and messages, simultaneous
chat, transfer between
operators, visitor stats
(referrer page, foot prints,
country, ip, etc), and more!

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 23 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2006

Date: Mar, 06 2006
Toxiclab Asp Shoutbox is a
conaito VoIP ActiveX SDK for
ASP ChatNow is a Active
Just visit the page, copy the
free simple shoutbox script
developers of VoIP audio
Server Pages (ASP) based
code and paste it where you
written in Asp. It uses a Ms
applications and webpages -
chatroom. It does not
want to start chatting. Its
Access database to store
Now new: Mic Boost,
require any special
free of cost with Thousands
messages. The script is made
Encryption Voice & Text,
components to run, and it
of Visitors every time. Its
to be easily customized.
Voice Conference Recording
does not require the use of
easy and valuable for your
(WAV), VAD (Voice Activity
global.asa like most other
visitors. Check out today.
Detection) conaito VoIP
chat rooms! ChatNow also
ActiveX library for
does not have to
developers of VoIP audio
"refresh" the page
applications, such as voice
to get new messages, and
chat, conference, VoIP,
that makes ChatNow unquie to
providing real-time low
most other ASP Chatrooms.
latency multi-client audio
Have ChatNow setup and
streaming over UDP/IP
running within minutes. The
networks. Includes efficient
only thing that needs to be
components for sound
configured is the
recording, playback,
administrator password.
encoding, decoding, mixing,
resampling, reading, and
writing wave files, mixer
volume controls access.
Provides UDP/IP server and
client components for
peer-to-peer, multi-user,
and broadcast audio
communications. Really easy
to use! Working with
Firewall and NAT (Network
Address Translation)!
conaito VoIP SDK is the best
way to add voice conference
and text conference into
your application and web
pages. conaito VoIP SDK
includes voip activex, voip
ocx, voip com, voip dll,
voip lib and voip cab, so
you can use the one you like
the most.

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Nov, 07 2005

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: Aug, 02 2005
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