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Chat Scripts



Hits: 493

Chat Bot

Hits: 156


Hits: 483

Copy and Paste Simple Chat

Hits: 380
ASPMultiChat is a server-side
This is a little database
ConquerChat is an HTML-based
This is a fully customizable
component that adds chat
driven ASP chat bot that
chat programmed using ASP.
ASP chat script. Simply copy
capabilities to Internet
simulates a conversation
It features user list
and paste the code to your
Information Server (IIS)
with a sales assistant, etc.
display, clean interface,
site and you are ready to go.
running on Windows NT(2000)
optional cookie-based user
platform. The component
tracking, multiple rooms and
helps site builder to design
more. For it to run
chat site only by modifying
properly, you will need to
the sample ASP files. The
modifiy your 'global.asa'
chat has all the necessary
features: Private Messaging,
Customizable Mood Symbols,
User Profiling, Multiple
Chat Rooms, and so on. Chat
can be easily localized to
any language. No client-side
Java-applets, Plug-ins or
ActiveX needed. There is
nothing for the client to

Date: Jan, 24 2002

Date: Jan, 25 2001

Date: Mar, 10 2003

Date: May, 29 2000
Easy to use chat application
New Features Include Improved
ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom,
ShoutBox is a application
written in ASP. It does NOT
Swear Filtering System, Anti
This system runs using AJAX
that lets your visitors hold
require a refresh to get new
Flooding System, User can
so no page refreshing is
real time chats while
messages. Has a simple list
delete their own post in a
required, checks the status
surfing your site. No Dll's
with online users and the
specified time by Admin,
of the users and shows
to install, no global.asa to
possibility to whisper
Auto Converting of Posted
whether they are idle,
edit and less than 16k in
messages to speific users.
Links to clickable
typing or sleeping, as well
size. can be included on any
It has been tested to work
URL,Exclusive Admin
as the time since they were
page, requires access
with Internet Explorer,
Nicknames cannot be used bu
last active. The cost of
database. can be maintained
Opera and Firefox!
Users,Improved fool proof
this system is R20.00 South
to allow all users or only
System and Many More.
African (Approx $3)
registered users to post a
FREE! Update* Now
Includes the AJAX Interface.
AJAX lets you post message
without refreshing the

Date: Jun, 14 2005

Date: Dec, 26 2006

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 06 2006
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