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Hits: 1006

Chart FX Statistical 6.2

Hits: 720
Often used as a web based
cgWebQuery is an application
Chart FX OLAP seamlessly
Chart FX Statistical
dealer locator, Allowing web
and development support
integrates to Visual Studio
seamlessly integrates to
site visitors to enter a zip
tool. Unlike SQL Server
.NET and provides the most
Visual Studio .NET,
code, choose a radius and
Query Analyzer, cgWebQuery
advanced and intuitive user
providing additional chart
find all of your business's
is a web based querying
interface specifically built
types, a myriad of
locations that fall within
tool. cgWebQuery was
for OLAP pivoting, slicing
pre-defined statistical
the radius. ASPX scripts
successfully tested by
and drilldown. Chart FX for
studies, new classes for
included, can be modified.
OLAP supports ADO-MD and XML
statistical calculations and
Includes sample search page
for Analysis for integration
much more. This Extension
and complete zip code
with major leading OLAP
allows Chart FX for .NET
database. Can be implemented
server vendors like
developers to quickly apply
with a web service to
Microsoft SQL Server® and
statistical analysis without
manipulate more than one
Hyperion Essbase®. An
the task of incorporating
customer database over
OLAP server enables
complex mathematical
multiple applications, such
intuitive data browsing and
algorithms into their code.
as IVR, call centers, and
querying, supports analytic
Simply configure the
marketing applications.
complexity, and provides
extension to compute the
great query performance
desired calculations and
through transparent
Chart FX Statistical will
navigation of pre-computed
deliver the desired chart.
aggregations. However, most
Chart FX Statistical
client tools are designed an
provides end users with a
implemented as end user
customizable statistical
applications that do not
legend. This legend is used
allow developers to
to display analysis studies
seamlessly integrate OLAP
and calculations that are
functionality to their
performed on sample data. It
client server or browser
also serves an interface for
based applications.
end users to display
interactive analysis studies
added to the chart. The
newly designed Statistical
UI allows end users to apply
different formulas, view
properties and observe
relationships between

Date: Apr, 28 2005

Date: May, 03 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005
Chart FX Financial Extension
Chart FX Maps not only offers
Chat80 brings totally new and
The suite of the Clever
product has been designed to
a comprehensive library of
superior approach making
Internet components presents
provide a vast variety of
maps, but it also allows the
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the most efficient and
predefined financial
developer to add their own
faster than ever! Chat80 is
convenient way of accessing
indicators and special chart
maps through the universal
fast, intuitive and reliable
the Internet resources from
types to perform Technical
SVG standard. Software FX
chat that will fulfill all
your applications. Using the
Analysis on stock market
is introducing a robust
your demands, whether are
Clever Internet Suite you
data and information.
collection of high-quality,
you administrator of
can implement many useful
Here's a sample list of
accurate 5 digit zip code
professional business site
Internet-related features:
indicators supported by
maps of every state in the
or home user running your
Downloading, uploading and
Chart FX Financial: 10-Days
United States. Save
own web site. FREE!
submitting of the
Moving Average 50-Days
development time and money
Internet-resources. Sending
Moving Average 200-Days
with this complete, 50
and receiving MIME messages.
Moving Average Accumulation
state, 5 digit zip code SVG
Distribution Average True
library. We have developed
and NNTP clients and many
Range Bollinger
the most comprehensive
Bands Chaikin
collection of 5 digit zip
Oscillator Chaikin's
code maps - fully compatible
Volatility Commodity
with Chart FX Maps - that
Channel Index Detrended
are ready to integrate into
Price Oscillator Ease of
your mapping application.
Movement Envelopes
Exponential Moving
Average Lanes Stochastics
M.A. Convergence/Divergence
Mass Index Median Price
Momentum Money Flow Index
Relative Strenght Index
Standard Deviation
Triangular Moving Average
TRIX Typical Price
Vertical Horizontal Filter
Volume Volume Oscillator
Weighted Close Weighted
Moving Average Williams %R

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: May, 12 2005

Date: Oct, 05 2006
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