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ANTS Profiler

Hits: 358

Apoc PDF Toolkit

Hits: 300

Application Event Log Snapshot

Hits: 517

Aquest Resource Directory

Hits: 898
Is your .NET application
Apoc PDF Toolkit is a high
Download this free .NET
Manage your own ASP.Net
running slowly? Are your web
quality software component
script to view your server's
resource directory with
forms taking too long to
that developers can add to
application event logs from
unlimited nested catagories,
load? Are your windows
their applications in order
anywhere using a web
and unlimited resources.
applications sluggish? If
to manipulate existing PDF
browser. Great for
Customize the setup of each
so, then you need ANTS
documents and create new PDF
troubleshooting server
catagory, such as changing
Profiler, our new code
documents. Developed using
issues on the road and
the information displayed,
profiler. ANTS Profiler lets
Microsoft's .NET
without having to deal with
star icons, number of stars,
you drill down to examine
environment, this 100%
pesky firewall issues to get
and more. Free, no time
slow lines of code in any
managed code toolkit is
terminal and VPN access to
limit Trial Version
.NET application,
compatible with any .NET
the network.
available for download.
pinpointing problems in less
application such as ASP.NET
than five minutes.
applications, Windows
applications and Console

Date: May, 07 2003

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Apr, 19 2006

Date: Nov, 25 2004
ASP Express allows you the
ASP Painter .NET can be used
Netcoole's ASP2ASPX is an ASP
So, What are the benefits?
extreme flexibility of an
to create new and edit
to ASP.NET Conversion for
Reduces development time in
HTML text editor, while
existing images. It has a
migrating from ASP to
web based application. Easy
giving you the automation of
large number of painting
ASP.NET. It can convert your
to use and customizable.
a great ASP and ASP.Net text
functions to draw lines,
ASP projects to ASP.NET in a
Allows files of size up to 4
bars, rectangles, polygons,
GB. Cost effective. What
ellipses, arcs, pie charts,
are the features? KUpload
to draw text and fill
can upload any number of
images. Since the component
files up to total of 4GB
works with several images at
size. Has real time HTML
the same time, you can copy,
progress bar. It keeps track
resize, rotate, merge image
of every file upload and
parts, and use images as
allows you to watch how much
painting brushes. Complete
of your file has been
source code is available for
uploaded. Full version has
facility to write in
database as well. User
defined function can be
fired during upload process.
KUpload is multithreaded to
take full advantage of
multiple processes.
Entirely ASP. net
Programming with C#. You
can use the KUpload Upload
class to access advanced
upload features. How to
Use? Unzip files to
application directory.
Provide Write access to
"ASPNET" user for
directory where files are to
be uploaded. Brows
"Files.aspx" to
upload files

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Dec, 07 2004

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2005
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