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Lexysoft eCommerce Framework

Hits: 378


Hits: 1381

Membership Manager Control

Hits: 746
Lexysoft eCommerce Framework
MantisConnect is a C#
Combination of user
Drag and drop this Asp.Net
is a scalable
webservice client connecting
experience, backend
server control onto a web
business-to-consumer (B2C)
to a PHP webservice. The C#
administration tools,
page and you will instantly
shopping cart software that
webservice client is CLS
complete catalog/content
have a complete control
supports unlimited product
compliant and hence it can
management, & complete
panel for managing Asp.Net
catalogs and
be used from any .NET
.NET developer framework
2.0 Membership users. Use it
multi-languages. It has easy
language. The webservice
that can be extended &
to locate member records,
to use backoffice tools that
can also be used from any
modified to meet your
reset passwords, change user
allow you to manage your
programming languages that
needs. Business Features
names, enter comments and
catalogs and orders anytime
supports webservices.
Customer Self Service
manage roles. Customize it
and anywhere in the world.
Accounts Shopping Cart
by setting properties or by
Its code base is 100%
Catalog/Content Management
using custom templates. Easy
written in C# and it uses
& Publishing
to use and works instantly.
the latest server-based
Catalog/Role Security
Free download.
Microsoft technology --
Product/SKU Management
ASP.NET. ASP.NET is the next
Customer/Editorial Reviews
generation version of
Customer Management Order
classic Active Server Pages
Management Affiliates
(ASP) and is considered to
Digital Downloads Batch
be more robust, secured, and
Updates Order Processing
easiest to deploy.
Workflow Enablement Serial
Sets License Management
Currency Rates/Exchange
Payment Plans Real-Time
Carts Built in Payment
Gateways Custom Payment
Gateway and much more..
Developer Features
Written Completely in C#
Supports .NET 1.1 & 2.0
Framework AJAX Utilization
for Customer Experience
Feature Rich Framework
Flexible Templates/Virtual
Pages Accessible by any
.NET Language Advanced Meta
Data Services Plug-In
Services Web Services
Architecture and much more..

Date: Oct, 18 2004

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Jul, 02 2006
MIRACLE CRM is highly
NetToolworks.Net S/MIME,
The NetToolworks.Net FTP
Mail for .NET has a rich
customizable and is
NetToolworks.Net SNMP,
component has a rich feature
feature set allowing users
delivered complete with all
NetToolworks.Net FTP, and
set allowing you to add FTP
to add e-mail functionality
of the features expected
NetToolworks.Net Mail
functionality to your
to their applications
from a great CRM package.
applications without having
without having to learn
From the front-end interface
to learn complex protocols.
complex protocols. Complex
to security and reporting,
Bulk file transfers, proxy
MIME messages, HTML mail,
users have the ability to
support, file/memory
file/memory streaming and
quickly and easily configure
streaming, direct access to
the ability to extend the
the application without
the FTP protocol and the
framework are among the
relying on the expertise of
ability to extend the
advanced features supported.
IT professionals. With
framework are among the
MIRACLE CRM, users can:
advanced features provided.
Track the sales life cycle,
forecast future revenue, and
manage customer
relationships. Manage
support and service issues.
Customize the application's
fields, forms and security
roles without any IT
interaction. Create
automated workflow and
escalation rules for all
workflow objects. Create
ad-hoc reports and charts,
including data mining on all
custom fields and objects

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
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