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ActiveMail Lite

Hits: 319


Hits: 955

Ad Wizard Server

Hits: 1061

Adaptrust Album Publisher

Hits: 832
ActiveMail Lite is a lite
ActiveQ is a free mail
Complete ASP.net banner
Adaptrust Album is designed
version of our component
queuing service with
management software system
for sharing your photo,
ActiveMail. ActiveMail Lite
extended task scheduling
to manage multiple websites,
product pictures, project
only includes SMTP features.
support written in 100%
unlimited advertisers,
image document on the web.
Included features : All SMTP
managed C#.NET. This service
banners, and zones. With
Secured schema allows
functionalities (sending
will allow you to send
campaign weighting and
control your album.
emails), mail queuing
thousands of queued emails
Geo-Targeting, you can
Integated email enables send
support, mail merge,
in a few minutes and also
create advanced banner
picture link to your friends
validation, MX & DNS
schedule mail for later
delivery from an easy to use
on the fly, you also have
management, parsing. Our
delivery. Standard queuing
web interface.
options to compress the
component is all you need to
is becoming required when
original picture by any
send emails from a single
sending a newsletter to
rate. Web-based Album is
one to hundreds of
thousands of subscribers.
deliverable as a web plug-in
thousands! Please check our
which uses ASP.NET and C#,
pricing page to see the
we currently privide SQL
financial advantage of this
Server 2000 version, MS
Access version. Price:
(SQL Server version)
$228 Price: (MS Access) $98
DEMO UserID: demo DEMO
Password: demo

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Feb, 23 2005

Date: Feb, 05 2005
Adaptrust CAPE is created for
Create interactive flowcharts
ADO.NET Express is an add-in
New release features: - Nest
managing your projects. It
and workflow diagrams.
for Visual Studio 2003 that
Aggregator modules within
aims at maximizing the
AddFlow for .NET is a .NET
generates class methods for
each other for a drill down
resources and reducing the
Windows Forms Custom control
calling stored procedures
effect - Customize each tab
cost related to project.
that is useful each time you
and executing common types
caption to include images
need to display and use
of SQL statements. It
Previous features: -
Management Statistics and
relationships between
supports C#/VB and SQL
Saves valuable screen real
Analysis Web
objects in your application:
Server/Oracle. ADO.NET
estate by wrapping any
Scheduler Timesheet
workflow diagrams, database
Express looks similar to
number of DotNetNuke modules
Management Email
diagrams, communication
Server Explorer. You can add
within a tabbed interface -
networks, organizational
database connections and
Each tab takes on the name
charts, process flows, state
browse schema objects such
of the module that it wraps
transitions diagrams,
as tables and stored
- Includes 5 different tab
telephone call centers, CRM
procedures. You can right
positions: Top, Bottom,
(Customer Relationship
click on a schema object to
Right, Left and Inline -
Management), expert systems,
generate ADO.NET code for
Infinitely customizable
graph theory, quality control
this object. For example,
using CSS styles so you can
you can right-click on a
match your site look and
stored procedure and
feel - You can provide
generate a C# method that
styles for the following:
executes the stored
TabStrip - style applied to
procedure and returns a
the container that the tabs
DataReader. ADO.NET Express
are shown in
is especially useful for
TabUnselected - style
ASP.NET and middleware
applied to the unselected
developers who write a lot
tabs TabSelected - style
of data access code and
applied to the selected tab
would like to save time to
TabMouseOver - style
do more creative tasks.
applied when mousing over
Generated code is easy to
any unselected tabs
understand and modify.
TabPage - style applied to
ADO.NET Express has a
the pages containing your
variety of options for
modules - Styles are
generating code that cover
grouped into themes, so all
most of the common data
you have to do is specify a
access scenarios. Generated
single theme name to switch
code can also be used as a
all 5 styles at once -
template for modification.
Since module titles are not
necessary when shown in
tabs, you can automatically
hide all your module titles
with a single setting - All
tab changes are client-side
so there is no postback to
slow your users down or tie
up your server - Selected
tabs stay selected even if
you move back and forth
through the site

Date: Feb, 05 2005

Date: Sep, 20 2006

Date: Jan, 02 2005

Date: Sep, 06 2005
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