
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Content Management


Accessor Pro

Hits: 818

Fast Link Checker

Hits: 812


Hits: 805

Auction Watcher

Hits: 794
Accessor Pro gives a quick
An advanced tool to find
TOWeb is an easy-to-use
AuctionWatcher is a unique
access to main Windows
broken links on web sites.
software for persons and
piece of auction software
functions, folders and
It works like a search
organizations wishing to
that should be owned by all
documents. Main
engine bot (Googlebot,
quickly create a Blog or a
eBay users. It provides an
Features: - Review of the
MSNBot, WISENutbot, Alexa,
Web Site without any web
instant insight into eBay's
File System from icon on the
etc.). You specify the
designing skills, without
Top Keywords, Hot Items and
system tray; - Creation of
starting file and Fast Link
dealing with web programming
Auctions. This
a list of the most
Checker goes through all
stuff, without using a
professional auction
frequently used and favorite
pages this file has links to
retouching software for
software allows you access
folders; - Access to
until it checks all links on
their pictures and without
to the inside information
Control Panel and it's
the site. If Fast Link
being left alone in front of
you need to know in order to
elements; - Termination of
Checker finds a broken link,
a blank page with dozens of
be successful with online
any running programs from
it shows its position in the
popup menu in one click; -
document, the reason why it
Process administration
does't work and a hint how
allows to view available
the link can be fixed.
windows, description of
process; - CD-ROM control.

Date: May, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 15 2005

Date: Oct, 19 2005

Date: Jan, 22 2005
Website owners love to swap
Translate Your Web Site
Monitor adsense with this
With Expand Menu Studio, you
links. The problem is that
Instantly! Google has
free adsense tracking
can create professional,
many websites will put your
created a fantastic set of
script. Now you can track
cross-browser web menus in
link up for a short period,
tools to allow you to
your performance throughout
seconds. It's incredibly
and then take it down when
translate any web page from
the day, receive email
powerful and yet easy to
they don't think you're
one language to another.
updates and store the
use, so both beginners and
watching! While their sites
However, for most, it is a
information in a database.
professionals can
are benefiting from your
bit difficult to integrate
It’s plain text, so you
immediately benefit from it.
traffic, you're getting ZERO
into your existing site.
can see what is really going
You can modify a large set
in return! Now, you can
on behind the scenes! No
of menus properties (button
EASILY know when your links
the work for you! All you
need to trust your account
sizes, font sizes, colors,
or banners have been removed
have to do is enter the URL
information with a program
backgrounds, etc.), and
from their sites!
that you wish to translate,
you don’t
create completely
Features Easily check
tell what language it is in,
understand. Also includes
customizable multi-level
sites for your link or
and what language you want
html to read your stats from
menus based on the web page
text Search an unlimited
it translated to. PAGE
the database and a SMS
that the menu will be placed
number of sites. Search for
TRANSLATOR will then
on. Expand Menu Studio is
as many terms or links as
automatically create the web
a complete overhaul of the
you want Import and export
page for you! Not just the
original Expand menu,
the sites and terms. Also
script, but will actually
introducing a dramatic
export the results of each
create all the html needed.
advance in usability and
search. Easy interface.
Just enter a filename and
productivity. You don't just
Very simple to use.
boom, you're done! The
get a menu - you get a
internet has truly become a
complete menu solution
global community. The World
specifically designed to
Wide Web really is just
make it easier for you to
that. With so many countries
construct and maintain your
involved, it has opened the
web site navigation. The
doors to those that sell
new intuitive WYSIWYG editor
products on the internet to
provides clean, uncluttered
new customers everywhere.
access to all the main
However, not everyone speaks
features. A range of
the same language and if
time-saving functions have
your site is only in
been added to greatly reduce
English, you may be losing
menu maintenance. And you
more customers than you
can be up and running in
seconds, with the inclusion
has come to the rescue to
of a gallery of 50
help sol
pre-defined menus.

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Apr, 30 2005

Date: May, 19 2005
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