
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Content Management


justVisual CMS

Hits: 1640
Features: no database needed
Enable web site visitors to
MRU Wizard is Simple and easy
This document describes
; works even at safe mode
bookmark your web site with
to use program! MRU Wizard
alternative approaches in
enabled hosts
the click of a button.
will scan your computer for
implementing multilingual
; WYSIWYG-based menu and
the most recent run files
Web sites with Microsoft®
content editing
& then allows you to
Content Management Server
; comfortably operated file
choose the ones you want to
(MCMS) 2002. Included are
upload (powered by
clean up. Cleans all your
discussions about business
FCKEditor) ; a build-in
most recent run history from
issues, site design,
contact page - you don't
your computer. Prevent
template creation, and other
need to publish your email
others from seeing what
topics. Specific code
address ; the choice
files you have opened.
examples are included to
between either a pre-made
address common functional
template or your own design
requirements in multilingual
; the design template can
MCMS sites.
be changed dynamically
support for multiple
languages ; show/hide page
sections ; site visitors
and visited pages report ;
backup of the entire site as
a static archive
; well-named pages, no
querystrings - ideal for
search engines

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Dec, 28 2004
Now you can offer Instant
FastFreshContent can help you
Free online Web Page builder
Art HTML Listing creates
Links on your website...
to add fresh keyword related
filtered, sorted, fully
Submit-a-link gives you
content to your website. It
customizable directory
the ability to offer Instant
uses Yahoo news as source
listings, indexes, menus,
Links on your site. Your ads
and creates HTML output
maps and trees in HTML,
appear above and below the
which is then uploaded to
DHTML, XML, text and CSV
links. They also appear on
your website using internal
formats, as well as the list
the Submit page. You only
FTP service. It is much
of MP3 and image files.
need to edit one file and
faster solution then using
Supports HTML titles, icons,
upload! Very easy to use.
server side scripts to
media types, MP3 ID3 tags
This script also doubles
parse RSS Feeds and display
extraction, image
as an opt in list! When
results to your visitor.
dimensions, color
users submit their link,
information extraction,
they give you permission to
digital photo EXIF
send them email. All email
information extraction, MD5
addresses are stored in one
and SHA1 hashes, file names,
txt file making it very easy
size, date/times and more.
for you to add the emails to
The software has 15 ready
your current email
made templates, including:
program/newsletter script!
Javascript dropdown menu,
Expanding / collapsing tree,
Sortable listing table,
Website map / tree, Framed
Table of Contents, Download
list with MD5 hashes and
download times, PDA
directory listing, Recursive
table folder listing, XML,
CSV, text folder listing.
Each template can be
customized and you can
create own templates. The
program has full featured
file filter, various sorting
options and flexible
recursion options. Command
line mode for external

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: Aug, 05 2005

Date: Jun, 10 2005

Date: Aug, 15 2005
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