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Creating My Site

Hits: 213

Easy Blogs

Hits: 834

eBook Pro

Hits: 481

Ektron eWebEditPro

Hits: 238
Creating My Site has many
Easy Blogs by uuba.com allows
Click here to find out how
Ektron eWebEditPro, the
features. Template
anyone to write and publish
to make your information
leading multi-language,
import/editor, CSS
his or her very own web log
burglar-proof, so that it
browser-based, WYSIWYG Web
import/editor, WYSIWYG
or blog or journal. Simple
can't be stolen and resold
content authoring tool
editting, articles of up to
enough for the
by others. Find out how
offers business users a
20 pages just to name a few,
non-technical, and yet with
to package your text, HTML,
familiar editing toolbar for
you can control everything!
enough extra features to
Flash, audio/video etc. into
authoring content without
The look, the content, the
please the demanding too.
secure eBook software that
needing to know HTML --
users (CMS comes with a
Use one of the many included
not only protects, but also
which broadens the
members area), the admins
web-site templates or build
collects contact information
organization's authoring
and much more. Don't get
your own. Templates are
you can use to market your
base and lowers costs. With
stuck with standard layouts,
designed to be sharable with
products or service too!
Ektron eWebEditPro,
make the site that YOU want.
other Easy Blogs users.
Click here for more
Webmasters and IT
Live demo available.
Create your Blog on your PC.
information. Click here
professionals maintain
Publish anywhere!
for top ways to get surfers
stylistic control over their
to buy from YOU instead of
Web content, yet they no
your competitors.
longer need to perform
simple routine editing
tasks. This cross-platform
tool works with leading
content management solutions
and all dynamic Web
application servers.
Replaces a text area field.

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: May, 25 2005
With Expand Menu Studio, you
This service will write your
eZ publish online editor (OE)
An advanced tool to find
can create professional,
css information and your
is an editor which will be
broken links on web sites.
cross-browser web menus in
HTML tags without any
integrated in your eZ
It works like a search
seconds. It's incredibly
knowledge of how CSS works.
publish admin interface.
engine bot (Googlebot,
powerful and yet easy to
It features drop down lists
With OE you can write and
MSNBot, WISENutbot, Alexa,
use, so both beginners and
of all yor choices and
edit all content on your eZ
etc.). You specify the
professionals can
formats your styling options
publish site through a
starting file and Fast Link
immediately benefit from it.
into a style class, with
user-friendly interface. The
Checker goes through all
You can modify a large set
example of how to use as
online editor is available
pages this file has links to
of menus properties (button
HTML. The entire styling
for both eZ publish 3 and eZ
until it checks all links on
sizes, font sizes, colors,
of a website, or a single
publish 2.2. Making headers,
the site. If Fast Link
backgrounds, etc.), and
page/element, can be done
bold or italic text, tables,
Checker finds a broken link,
create completely
quickly and easily
links or adding pictures has
it shows its position in the
customizable multi-level
never been easier. It works
document, the reason why it
menus based on the web page
like normal word processors
does't work and a hint how
that the menu will be placed
and there is no need for
the link can be fixed.
on. Expand Menu Studio is
tags or html.
a complete overhaul of the
original Expand menu,
introducing a dramatic
advance in usability and
productivity. You don't just
get a menu - you get a
complete menu solution
specifically designed to
make it easier for you to
construct and maintain your
web site navigation. The
new intuitive WYSIWYG editor
provides clean, uncluttered
access to all the main
features. A range of
time-saving functions have
been added to greatly reduce
menu maintenance. And you
can be up and running in
seconds, with the inclusion
of a gallery of 50
pre-defined menus.

Date: May, 19 2005

Date: Dec, 05 2005

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Dec, 15 2005
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