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xp and mac style icons Free

Hits: 391

XP Artistic Icons Collection

Hits: 437

xp style icons

Hits: 80
The X-Mac icon collection
100 XP style icons for your
Check out these royalty-free
Unique XP style icons that
provides you with a
web and software projects.
icon collections with over
come with highly
realistic style which has
Each icon is available in
500 icons and small graphics
professional designs for use
all the main characteristics
four different sizes and six
elements that come in all
in your applications. Each
of Mac © icons.
different extensions.Sizes:
sizes - from 16x16 to
icon is available in four
48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
128x128, 8 to 32 bits. Most
different sizes that
pix. File
are WinXP icons with
includes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32
alpha-channel. It's what
and 48x48.
you need for your website or

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 12 2005

Date: Jan, 20 2005
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