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/** Search */




Hits: 105

3D Aqua Icons Collection

Hits: 110

Impact Icons

Hits: 102

Bios Logo Changer

Hits: 417
Choose from around 2800
Check out these royalty-free
110 Royalty-Free Stock Icons
Bios Logo Changer can change
smilies and add emotions to
icon collections with over
for use in your Web and
EPA Energy Star logo which
your messages. Add emoticons
175 icons and small graphics
Software projects at a price
is shown in upper right
and smileys to your e-mails
elements that come in all
to fit any budget.
corner when you boot your
and Web forum posts, Have
sizes - from 16x16 to
computer. There are 200
fun with your friends and
128x128, 8 to 32 bits. Most
ready to use logos or you
with emoticons that are
are WinXP icons with
can make your own new logo.
designed to make your
alpha-channel. It's what
Let's start modding your
messages special.
you need for your website or
computer now!

Date: Nov, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 24 2004

Date: May, 20 2004

Date: Oct, 20 2003
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