
popular collection of scripts for all

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ABB Icon Explorer

Hits: 508

Vista Icon Collection

Hits: 826

Autumn Icons - Large edition

Hits: 388
A tool for exploring and
Software Developer, Web
Free collection of ready
Free collection of ready
extracting icons associated
Developer and Professionals
stock icons for professional
stock icons for professional
with files or contained
for world most enhanced high
use, provide you with a wide
use, provide you with a wide
inside of files.
quality Vista Icon
array of glyphs that let you
array of glyphs that let you
Collections. Vista Icon
create an engaging front-end
create an engaging front-end
Collection contains images
for your software without
for your software without
designed specifically for
the need to spend weeks on
the need to spend weeks on
vista applications and more..
designing your own icons.
designing your own icons.
Icons available in all sizes.
Icon sizes: 32x32 and 48x48.

Date: Jul, 12 2006

Date: Jul, 01 2006

Date: Jun, 08 2006

Date: Jun, 08 2006
Don't you know how to change
The Web Icons Collection is a
The Software Icons Collection
More than 2700 XP icons
standard yellow folder to a
speciality set, created for
is a suite of beautiful
designed specifically for
colourful and bright?
webmasters and interface
vista style icons for web
database applications,
Change Folder Icons is an
designers. Although themes
and software developers.
business applications,
award-winning tool for
are based primarily around
Here you will find essential
internet applications and
Windows intended to find
web site development, these
icons such as devices,
websites.File format:
thousands of bright icons on
web icons will work equally
people, documents, and much
.ICO(NOT INCLUDE 128*128),
your computer and change
well in a standard desktop
more. Each icon is provided
GIF, PNG Sizes:
Windows folder icons simply
in jpeg, gif, bmp, ico, and
128x128,64x64,48x48, 32x32,
and fast!
png format.

Date: May, 31 2006

Date: May, 29 2006

Date: May, 29 2006

Date: May, 25 2006
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