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Security Icon Set

Hits: 712

Software Icons Collection

Hits: 1281

Software Icons Vista

Hits: 281
Security Icon Set is a
The Software Icons Collection
Software Icons Vista v2.0 is
Sophistique combines the
collection of
is a suite of beautiful
a professional icon library
features of vector images
wonderfully-crafted stock
vista style icons for web
for serious web site and
and a smooth drawing style
icons for use in commercial
and software developers.
software application
that retains the realistic
and personal products,
Here you will find essential
developers. It contains
appeal of Windows Vista
including software
icons such as devices,
commonly-used icon designs
design. It has a beautiful
applications, websites and
people, documents, and much
for devices, people,
style between realistic and
presentations. The icons
more. Each icon is provided
documents, and much more.
smooth figurative appearance.
have a bright color palette,
in jpeg, gif, bmp, ico, and
Each icon is provided in
smooth and well-rounded
png format.
jpeg, gif, bmp, ico, and

Date: Mar, 10 2007

Date: May, 29 2006

Date: Aug, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 05 2005
Sport Icons is a new
More than 2700 XP icons and
More than 2700 XP icons
Original and professional
collection of well-crafted
vista icon designed
designed specifically for
stock icons for your web and
colorful icons representing
specifically for database
database applications,
software projects. Each
different kinds of sport,
applications, business
business applications,
stock icon is available in
sport goods and
applications, internet
internet applications and
four different sizes and six
competitions. It includes
applications and
websites.File format:
different extensions.
such popular icons as
websites.File format:
.ICO(NOT INCLUDE 128*128),
application icons, business
football, basketball,
.ICO(NOT INCLUDE 128*128),
GIF, PNG Sizes:
icons, corporate icons.
tennis, skate-boarding,
GIF, PNG Sizes:
128x128,64x64,48x48, 32x32,
dancing, fitness, chess and
128x128,64x64,48x48, 32x32,

Date: Jan, 10 2007

Date: Jul, 14 2006

Date: May, 25 2006

Date: Apr, 05 2005
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