
popular collection of scripts for all

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Core Icon Collection

Hits: 696


Hits: 412

Database Icon Collection

Hits: 585

Database Icon Set

Hits: 116
Core Collection Software
CustomIcons is an ultimate
Database Collection Software
Database Icon Set is a
Developer , Web Developer
tool for customizing the
Developer , Web Developer
collection of wonderful
and Professionals for world
icons on your desktop, in
and Professionals for world
hand-made icons for use in
most enhanced high quality
Windows Start menu, for your
most enhanced high quality
various database products,
Core icon Collections Core
folders and many other
including software
Collection Set is an
locations. Using CustomIcons
Collections. Database
applications, information
all-purpose collection of
you can easily replace
Collection contains images
web sites and presentations.
images and more..
default Windows icons with
designed specifically for
The icons have bright color
the ones to your choice.
database applications and
palette, smooth and
well-rounded edges.

Date: Dec, 12 2005

Date: May, 27 2005

Date: Dec, 12 2005

Date: Mar, 06 2007
Desktop Icon Toy is a desktop
Desktop Resetter is an
E-Mail Icon Set is a
Choose from around 2800
icon enhancement tool. It
easy-to-use program that
collection of
smilies and add emotions to
can animate desktop icons,
stores desktop icon
wonderfully-crafted stock
your messages. Add emoticons
arrange icons, hide icon
positions so that they may
icons for use in commercial
and smileys to your e-mails
texts, add hover effects for
be restored when
and personal products,
and Web forum posts, Have
desktop icons, automatically
inadvertently moved (such as
including software
fun with your friends and
show hide desktop icons,
after playing a game,
applications, websites,
with emoticons that are
save and restore desktop
changing monitor
blogs and presentations. The
designed to make your
icon layout and more.
resolutions, crashing, safe
icons have a bright color
messages special.
mode, etc.)
palette, smooth and
well-rounded edges.

Date: Mar, 03 2007

Date: Jul, 16 2005

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Nov, 20 2004
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