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Office Suites & Tools


Safe Registry Cleaner

Hits: 218

Identify Docs

Hits: 262

Recovery Toolbox for Excel

Hits: 706


Hits: 672
Safe Registry Cleaner has
An easy to use software
Tool helps to fix damaged
Prophera will allow you to
easy-to-use wizard window to
package that allows the user
Microsoft Excel files.
know: your number, strong
guide you to scan and clean
to batch process a CD full
Recover data from damaged
sides of your character,
your Windows Registry
of Tiff images. The
workbooks and worksheets of
number of day, numbers of
safely. it scans the Windows
processing includes
Microsft Excel. Tool can
files. Yes! Of FILES! And
registry and finds incorrect
performing Optical Character
repair *.xls, *,xlt, *.xlsx,
what will happen at their
or obsolete information in
Recognition on the image and
xlsm, *.xltm, *.xltx, *.xlam
the registry.
stamping the image with an
files of Excel 97, 2000, XP,
identifying number.
2002, 2003, 2007.

Date: Apr, 22 2007

Date: Apr, 20 2007

Date: Apr, 17 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007
PowerPoint to Video Converts
Contains twenty essential
Append data in a block of
Zoomsales is a Smart Sales
PowerPoint presentations
commands that accelerate
cells with one another to
Manager, which provides
into video [AVI] file and
routine worksheet
create one row or column in
comprehensive tools to
burn to DVD. Sharing your
operations. Each command is
MS Excel.
manage your customer
presentations to everyone.
accessible from a drop-down
relationships and increase
menu in one click.
your sales quickly.Increase
your Sales Income &
Customer Satisfaction with
Zoom Sales.

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 12 2007

Date: Apr, 11 2007
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