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AutoPlay me for Power Point

Hits: 127

AutoPlay me for Word

Hits: 429

AutoPlay me for PDF

Hits: 661
Simply drag and drop your
Save combined mail merge
Simply drag and drop your
Simply drag and drop your PDF
powerpoint presentation file
documents to individual Word
Word Document file and then
file and then press the
and then press the Write CD
press the Write CD Now
Write CD Now button and you
Now button and you are done.
button and you are done.
are done. AutoPlay me for
AutoPlay me for PowerPoint
AutoPlay me for Word does
PDF does all the work. Not
does all the work. Not only
all the work. Not only does
only does it add your file
does it add your file it
it add your file it also
it also adds the Foxit PDF
also adds the latest
adds the latest Word Viewer
PowerPoint 2003 Viewer.
to the cd.

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007
Simply drag and drop your
HRAssistant is a Human
An advanced utility which
Typing automation. Assign
PowerPoint, Word or PDF file
Resource Management System
converts XLS (MS Excel)
keywords to frequently used
and then press the Write CD
for today's managers and
files to any format you wish
phrases and TypeAccess will
Now button and you are done.
human resource professionals
type the common phrases for
AutoPlay me PRO does all the
who need an easy way to
CHM, RTF, HLP, DOC, and many
you each time you type the
work. Not only does it add
store, retrieve, and
more) easily and
corresponding keyword.
your file it also adds the
safeguard employee
quickly. Supports a batch
correct viewer to the cd.
conversion, a run from
Note Trial is only PowerPoint
command line and more than
50 languages.

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 12 2007

Date: Mar, 12 2007

Date: Mar, 12 2007
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