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Office Suites & Tools


Advanced Excel Select

Hits: 971

4TOPS Compare Excel Files

Hits: 694

Complete Excel Names

Hits: 144
An Excel tool that enriches
This easy to use program that
Complete Excel Names is a
Compare 2 separate blocks of
the built-in Special Cells
clearly reports where and
free COM add-in that allows
Excel cells and find
what the differences are.
you to set the width of the
differences between them.
Features: - differences in
Name Box in Microsoft
Comparison results explain
HTML Analysis report and
Excel. The add-in is based
which cells were changed and
Visualization reports are
on Add-in Express technology
which rows have been added
hyperlinked, - Can be used
or deleted. There is a
as part of an automated
feature for finding matches
process using API (ActiveX)
between two blocks of cells.

Date: Apr, 17 2006

Date: Apr, 13 2006

Date: Apr, 12 2006

Date: Apr, 11 2006
Quickly swap selected rows or
Quickly export selected Excel
Extraccion de propriedades de
Quickly export Excel files
columns without having to
cells to an image file. This
archivos y sus metadatos,
(sheets) to Adobe PDF files.
copy and paste. Reverse the
addin will also
creación de catálogos de
Select the specific cells
position of selected cells
automatically export
discos presentados como
you want to export and
with one another.
worksheet areas that contain
páginas HTML incluyendo
create the output PDF using
data to an image file.
links a los documentos,
an add-in that sits right
exportación de datos al
within Excel. The conversion
formato XML, CSV, Word.
process does not require
Adobe Acrobat to be

Date: Apr, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Apr, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 31 2006
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