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Form Processing


Forms Processing

Hits: 1125
The validation of data that
This article tells you how to
In the PHP Tutorial you will
In this code sample we will
has been entered in a form
pass variables to a PHP page
learn about PHP Forms -
converting all applicable
is necessary in most cases.
using the query string, and
Predefined variables,
characters to HTML entities
Why is important? For
how to access them from that
Reading input from forms and
using htmlentities(). Using
example, what good is
page. Have you ever seen
Using hidden fields to save
'htmlentities' all
holding a contest or
a URL which looked like
state.PHP has several
characters which have HTML
sweepstakes if you can't
predefined variables called
character entity equivalents
notify the winner, because
are translated into these
he or she entered an invalid
are always present and
entities. .
telephone number or an
available in any PHP
incorrect address. What good
script.The superglobals are
is having a mailing list if
arrays of other variables.
the e-mail addresses on it
aren't verified, and your
mailing list just bounces
back to you without reaching
the subscribers and target
audience.<br /><br
/> Validating form
entries saves you time and
more importantly, it can
save you money. And since
somebody embossed the slogan
"Time is money!",
this should be very
important for your web
site!<br /><br
/> Well when should
we validate? There are two
types of validation; client
side and server side.

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Oct, 14 2006
This set of functions allows
This tutorial demostrates how
Learn how to complete,
If your PHP program is a
you to use simple PHP
to GET to fetch variables
expand, and use the
dynamic web page (and it
commands to generate complex
from the URL. And POST to
Expandable Validation Class
probably is) and your PHP
forms containing many
fetch variables from HTML
in the final Part of this 3
program is dealing with user
different inputs. It
forms in PHP.
Part tutorial series.
input (and it probably is),
automatically outputs the
then you need to work with
HTML code for the form and
HTML forms. Tips for
makes it easy for you to
simplifying, securing, and
process the input when the
organizing your
form is submitted.
form-handling PHP code.

Date: Oct, 02 2006

Date: Sep, 27 2006

Date: Jun, 30 2006

Date: Jun, 25 2006
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