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Magazine Articles


Evolution of a Super Hero

Hits: 742

PHP: Past, Present, and Future

Hits: 252

Under The Hood of PHP 4

Hits: 360
The release of PHP 4.0, the
Classified as "the most
You may already know that PHP
This article discusses
long-awaited, next
popular Apache module"
is fast, stable, and easy to
features of PHP4, the most
generation of the popular
by E-Soft, PHP is one of the
learn, but you may not know
advanced version of PHP.
Web scripting language, is
least frequently mentioned
how it got that way. In this
Topics include: History
just around the corner. The
languages amongst the XML
interview, Rasmus Lerdorf,
Brief, Where Did We Go
most recent version, release
discussion lists. PHP4
the creator of PHP, talks
Wrong?, The Birth of Zend,
candidate 1, is stable and
brings many enhancements to
about the unlikely origins
and Design Changes In PHP 4
ready to take over PHP 3.0's
PHP's object oriented
of this open-source product.
and Zend.
role in Web application
features and should
Then core developers Stig
development. The release
therefore allow a leap
Bakken, Andi Guttmans, and
takes PHP to new levels,
forward in the XML direction
Zeev Suraski explain how
with increased performance,
which PHP3 didn't allow.
they came to work on PHP and
more features, and cleaner
discuss the evolution of the
language. Plus, you'll hear
about the planned support
for XML and MySQL and what's
going on with Zend.

Date: May, 16 2000

Date: May, 16 2000

Date: May, 16 2000

Date: Apr, 12 2000
With the same features as ASP
PHP can help you look like a
Ask most Web application
In this article, you will
and JSP, PHP is the fastest
web-wunderkid while saving
developers their scripting
learn about the general
growing Apache add-on....as
you hours of drudgery. This
language of choice, and
development features of
well as .asp and .jsp (and
online article / tutorial
you'll find that most are
Apache, as well as two
.htm/html for ordinary Web
presents a little history on
divided into two camps - the
particular environments that
pages), another file
PHP, what PHP can do, how to
Microsoft Active Server
lend themselves to serious
extension is becoming
get started with PHP, and
Pages (ASP) folks, and the
applications. The first,
increasingly common -
Cold Fusion users. If you do
PHP, is a strong language
.php....As another Netcraft
a little more research
for database-related
survey shows, there are
however, you'll find there
functions. The second,
currently around 700,000
are other options out there,
mod_perl, moves Perl
sites using it.
and one of these, PHP 3.0,
scripting into the
is in much wider use than
high-performance arena and
one would think for an
extends what you can do with

Date: Jan, 28 2000

Date: Jan, 28 2000

Date: Jan, 18 2000

Date: Jan, 18 2000
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