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FrontGates Dev

Hits: 355


Hits: 894

G N A S P : The ASP Playground

Hits: 365

Gazatem Technologies & Software

Hits: 3050
FrontGates Dev is a
Fuzzy Software is a
GNASP.COM is a small but good
Gazatem Technologies is a
Mailer/Website that consists
comprehensive, categorized,
ASP/ASP.net Community. It
webbased groupware company
of ASP scripts, Chatroom,
searchable collection of
has got close links in the
that used by a group of
web-enabled instant
links to ASP & ASP.NET
with the haneng.com
developers who are working
messenger, forum, "add
tutorials, articles,
community and shares a lot
on the same site but
your suggestion(s)"
components, references
of the same members. GNASP
distributed in space. We
list, Who's Online?, user
sites, community resources,
is growing all the time and
specialize in creating web
profiles with photo upload
will become a great
sites that load quickly, are
enabled, Index
Community, Resource and
easy to use, and are
Server-enabled Search
impressive-looking. Our
Engine, Source Viewer to
dynamic website projects and
view source codes of any
advanced application
current file, as well as
development provide unique
web-enabled bookmarks on
user experience, resulting
site for your convenience.
in higher prospect
conversion. We are providing
online content management
& publishment tools. Our
web site publisher tools can
be used in small and medium
sized web sites. Gazatem
Technologies has developed
various content management
systems to assist web site
owners. Building a
professional website or
business web application -
using one of our products -
will make your business
operate more efficiently and
increase its' value.
Clients using our
management systems operate
more efficiently by
automating many labour
intensive process and by
enabling instantaneous
online access to content
from anywhere in the world.

Date: Jul, 25 2002

Date: Aug, 07 2001

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Sep, 08 2006
Dedicated to ASP technology,
Here you will find
Web page for tutorials and
Full source code download -
haneng.com provides a number
information and tips
support with scripts and
Auto Dealer website, ASP
of tutorials / lessons on
for the ASP Portal. We have
general web/computer help.
App, allows auto dealer to
ASP programming for
come to really like the
Also provide web design and
easily manage their own
beginners to intermediate
Portal and want to develop
hosting (Windows Server, asp
inventory of vehicles on
ASP programmers.
it in to a great portal
supported, asp.net, ms
their website. VBscript,
system. Brian Gannon (the
access database, email
CDONTS, Access Database!
Author of The original
Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
scripts) put a lot of effort
into his work. What we do is
take his work and see if we
can modify it or add to it,
to make it a more robust

Date: Jan, 26 2000

Date: Jul, 22 2002

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: May, 03 2004
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