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Hits: 407

Developer Fusion

Hits: 481


Hits: 1043
DevBuilder is a developer
Developer Fusion offers a
DevGuru, the site for ASP
Deliver Your Digital Products
forum for all developer, and
number of articles,
developers, continues to
To Your Customers Instantly
also offers articles,
tutorials, source code,
expand its already extensive
and Automatically,Even If
scripts and everything you
reviews, components and a
collection of free, on-site
You Are On vacation Or Your
could think of. Not limited
discussion forum for
reference material.
Computer is Turned
to ASP, Java, JavaScript,
predominantly VB, ASP and
Hallmarks of the DevGuru
Off... It is written in
Mac, Window, Linux and so on.
XML developers.
site are its ease of
ASP/VBscript using
navigation, the ability to
Macromedia MX by myself, And
look up material quickly,
It is 100% customizable and
and its clear,
straightforward explanations
of new and seasoned ASP
technologies. DevGuru now
contains over 2000
informative pages.
Extensive “Quick
References”, informative
tutorials, and interesting
“Knowledge Base Articles”
cover the topics of ASP,
Cascading Style Sheets,
JavaScript, Jet SQL,
VBScript, ADO (ActiveX Data
Objects), RDS (Remote Data
Services), WSH, Web-user
Authentication for IIS, and
Recommendations for
Software-Engineering. All
of this material can be
easily downloaded for free.
DevGuru also offers useful
COM products that you, the
developer, need for your

Date: Jan, 06 2003

Date: Feb, 25 2002

Date: Dec, 26 1999

Date: Aug, 21 2005
Digital-goods Seller is a
DionShop can be easily
Interactive website tools
Our applications use ASP
simple-to-use web program
integrated into your own
(modules) for DJs and Disc
scripting and are built
that allows your customers
homepage. It has a simple
Jockeys. Online DJ software
entirely in DreamweaverMX.
to enter their credit card
interface and it's easy to
for receiving inquiries,
Dreamweaver users have
details and download your
use. It can be rented or
booking shows, and complete
complete control to
digital-product right away.
definitively bought. Works
event planning for your
customize and extend ALL the
There’s no waiting for you
only on MSSQL server. For
clients. Integrates with
application pages using
to confirm the order, and no
further information, please
existing disc jockey sites.
dreamweaver. All
delays before they receive
follow the link:
All tools are hosted on our
applications include
their software. Your
servers and are available
pre-configured MS Access
customers can simply place
for a nominal annual fee.
database &
their order, enter their
Completely customizable to
"built-in" content
download-code and password
match the look & feel of
administration pages. Simply
and start downloading your
your existing website.
upload the files to your ASP
product. They get the
enabled web server and your
goods—you get the cash. All
ready to add/edit/delete
these happening without you
content through a content
lifting a finger in the
administration page. Pass
this functionality on to
your clients so they can
make changes to their
website quickly and easily

Date: Feb, 21 2005

Date: Aug, 22 2003

Date: Sep, 22 2003

Date: May, 29 2003
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