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Dog Tag Programs - ASP

Hits: 546

dotdragnet ASP

Hits: 980

Dynu™ ASP Components

Hits: 559
Free access to useful code
dotdragnet ASP section offers
You can boast the revenue
Dynu Systems offers a growing
and snipplets to add into
a range of free scripts,
generated by your DVD Rental
number of free and
your ASP files.
articles on asp development,
Business by allowing the
commercial ASP components
a directory and forums for
users to order online. We
for your Web site. Currently
ASP developers. Currently
have provided many features
available components include
available scripts include:
which can be really useful
date and time formatting,
Poll, Mailing List,
for the users who may wish
string processing, several
Postcard, Password
to rent a DVD. They can add
networking utilities,
protection and more.
a DVD in their wishlist and
Web-based email, file
can move the DVD's on their
management component and
wish list up or down
depending on the priority on
which they want to rent that
DVD. They can see the DVD's
which have been sent to them
and are on their hands by
just visiting their account.
So there is no delay in
returning them. You have
full control of the genres
you want to use through our
extensive admin panel. You
can add as many DVD's as you
want with just a click. You
have full control over the
CMS of the website, you can
edit it on the fly. We have
provided a HTML WYSIWYG
Editor so you do not have to
do any kind pf programming.
Please check out the demo
site to see the script in

Date: Jul, 20 2003

Date: Aug, 22 2001

Date: Aug, 06 2005

Date: Nov, 09 1999
Perfect for Developers that
Available in german and
Front Web Applications (FWA)
need to be able to transfer
english this site offers
offers advanced web
and receive files from
selling your stuff online!
some ASP applications like
components and applications
clients or remote employees.
Here at eCommerceMax
fipsGästebuch, fipsForum,
for commercial use that are
Integrates with any website
Solutions you can buy an
fipsCMS, fipsGallery and
dynamic and rich in
and header/footer upload
ECommerce ready-made ONLINE
functionalities. Currently
personalizes site for the
STORE that is PERFECT for
available products include
client. The secure
your retail business. Our
forums, online file sharing,
file-sharing network for
professionally developed
multilingual web
developers, business
sites are secure, reliable
applications, and more.
partners, clients and
and fully
vendors. EasyFTP is a
self-administering. We also
browser based file transfer
provide programming tools
service. No Software to
that simplify ecommerce
download, no pop-ups and no
development. Checkout our
advertisements. Great for
online retail solutions!
offsite data backup.

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Mar, 12 2004

Date: Nov, 15 2001
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