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Asp Scripts

Hits: 1059


Hits: 668


Hits: 407

ActivXperts Software

Hits: 915
All your web needs of asp
Our applications use ASP
DevBuilder is a developer
WMI samples, all written in
like toplist script,search
scripting and are built
forum for all developer, and
VBScript. More than 100
engine, faq mentor, guest
entirely in DreamweaverMX.
also offers articles,
different WMI classes are
book, link maker, hit
Dreamweaver users have
scripts and everything you
demonstrated. Examples for
counters, etc. All scripts
complete control to
could think of. Not limited
all different kinds of
are free to use under
customize and extend ALL the
to ASP, Java, JavaScript,
devices and software, like
liscence agreement.
application pages using
Mac, Window, Linux and so on.
processor information, disk
dreamweaver. All
space, event log, memory,
applications include
fan, bios, battery, network
pre-configured MS Access
adapter, network protocol,
database &
floppy drive, printer, usb,
"built-in" content
sound card, users, groups,
administration pages. Simply
and so on.
upload the files to your ASP
enabled web server and your
ready to add/edit/delete
content through a content
administration page. Pass
this functionality on to
your clients so they can
make changes to their
website quickly and easily

Date: Jun, 11 2003

Date: May, 29 2003

Date: Jan, 06 2003

Date: Jan, 06 2003
Put your database online with
An online resource for web
FrontGates Dev is a
Here you will find
'Rod the Robot'. He's an
developers where you can
Mailer/Website that consists
information and tips
online programmer who will
find references to HTML,
of ASP scripts, Chatroom,
for the ASP Portal. We have
generate ASP scripts for you
ASP, browser and database
web-enabled instant
come to really like the
instantly and for free.
material. You can post or
messenger, forum, "add
Portal and want to develop
Ideal for web designers who
reply to a thread in the
your suggestion(s)"
it in to a great portal
aren't programmers. Very
forum or check the FAQ.
list, Who's Online?, user
system. Brian Gannon (the
easy to use - just tell Rod
Online documentation can be
profiles with photo upload
Author of The original
the field names and types
found in the articles
enabled, Index
scripts) put a lot of effort
plus the table and database
section and you may also
Server-enabled Search
into his work. What we do is
name and push the 'Go'
submit your own article.
Engine, Source Viewer to
take his work and see if we
button. Then 'copy and
view source codes of any
can modify it or add to it,
paste' the scripts straight
current file, as well as
to make it a more robust
to your web editor.
web-enabled bookmarks on
site for your convenience.

Date: Sep, 17 2002

Date: Aug, 26 2002

Date: Jul, 25 2002

Date: Jul, 22 2002
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