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Web Sites


LightCom Solutions

Hits: 924

ASP 101

Hits: 1251


Hits: 532

Active Server Corner

Hits: 465
LightCom Solutions provides
ASP 101 provides a number of
Dedicated to ASP technology,
Active Server Corner offers
useful utilities, components
sample codes, articles,
haneng.com provides a number
many useful resources on ASP
and applications for people
forum, news, and links for
of tutorials / lessons on
programming including
using Microsoft
Active Server Pages
ASP programming for
tutorials, sample codes,
beginners to intermediate
components, and books.
technology. It currently
ASP programmers.
offers 7 low-cost ActiveX
components including survey,
email systems, and site
navigation. All of its
products come with free
evaluation copies.

Date: Feb, 22 2000

Date: Feb, 04 2000

Date: Jan, 26 2000

Date: Jan, 25 2000
This site offers various
DevASP provides ASP Samples,
The ASP Emporium provides
DevGuru, the site for ASP
articles and resources on
ASP Search, Chat, Forum,
over a dozen free and useful
developers, continues to
ASP programming. It
GuestBook, Tutorials, and
ASP scripts and applications
expand its already extensive
maintains an excellent FAQ
more for ASP developers.
for your Web site. Currently
collection of free, on-site
list, and a number of coding
available programs include
reference material.
ad management script,
Hallmarks of the DevGuru
mailing list manager, site
site are its ease of
news manager, survey and
navigation, the ability to
poll system, shopping cart,
look up material quickly,
user authentication, and
and its clear,
more. The site also provides
straightforward explanations
tutorials, tips, and links
of new and seasoned ASP
to other ASP-related sites.
technologies. DevGuru now
contains over 2000
informative pages.
Extensive “Quick
References”, informative
tutorials, and interesting
“Knowledge Base Articles”
cover the topics of ASP,
Cascading Style Sheets,
JavaScript, Jet SQL,
VBScript, ADO (ActiveX Data
Objects), RDS (Remote Data
Services), WSH, Web-user
Authentication for IIS, and
Recommendations for
Software-Engineering. All
of this material can be
easily downloaded for free.
DevGuru also offers useful
COM products that you, the
developer, need for your

Date: Jan, 23 2000

Date: Jan, 21 2000

Date: Jan, 17 2000

Date: Dec, 26 1999
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