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User Authentication



Hits: 533

AuthBot ASP Script

Hits: 841


Hits: 212

AuthentiX ISP

Hits: 169
AspUser is a comprehensive NT
AuthBot is a simple asp image
AuthentiX is an essential
For Internet Service
user and permission
verification that you can
tool for website access
Providers who need to
management component. It
use to increase the security
management. Form-based or
support multiple customers
provides you with an
of your online forms, such
100% cookie-free "Basic
each with their own
object-oriented programming
as user logins, contact
Authentication" website
community of users,
interface to NT user and
forms, or email forms by
protection while keeping
AuthentiX ISP allows you to
group accounts as well as
verifying a dynamicly
your NT Users Names and
set up your webhost
access control lists of
generated random security
Passwords private. Protect
customers as administrators
files. Main features
code. Authbot accomplishes
all files, not just ASP
and remotely administer
include: Ability to add,
this without making users
pages. Validate against
access to their
delete, rename and enumerate
struggle to read skewed or
internal database, text file
subdirectories. You can
NT users and groups, on a
misaligned text images,
or external ODBC datasource.
permit your customers to set
local box or across server
Using Flash it creates a
AuthentiX is recognized
up premium web content areas
and domain borders, Ability
clearly readable piece of
world wide as the premier
where each database of
to retrieve and change
text that is NOT readable by
authentication solution for
customers' usernames is
various user and group
machine. Give it a try!
separate and private from
account properties, Ability
each other, and independent
to allow users to change
of your system's NT
their NT passwords over the
user/password database. And
Web, Ability to change user
you can offer your sub
membership information,
administrators browser based
Ability to impersonate
remote administration!
arbitrary user accounts,
Ability to retrieve and
change Access Control Lists
(ACLs) of files and
directories, Ability to set
a file owner, and more.

Date: Sep, 23 1999

Date: May, 11 2006

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
AuthentiX100 is an essential
ClanMan ASP Login is a small
CyberLogin is a Login and
Offers database-driven
tool for website access
program that allows secure
Autorization system that
membership functions to your
management. It provides
protection for your entire
stores information in MS
Web site. It does what you
form-based or 100%
website. Some of the
Access Database. Features:
think it should: Accepts
cookie-free "Basic
features: Unlimited security
Login system using email
applications from members,
Authentication" website
levels, Encrypted Passwords
address as the user name;
assign username, password to
protection that keeps your
that can be on or off, Email
Forgot password email;
the member upon successful
NT Users Names and Passwords
verification, Cookie
Automatically emails user
completion of sign up.
private. AuthentiX100 allows
support, Full support of CSS
with a temp email; First
Provides a secure means to
up to 100 users and 2 groups
time login force user to set
retrieve, update the
(internal database only).
password; MS Access Database
password and/or any account
AuthentiX allows you to
driven; Includes all Demo
information (to the extent
control user access to all
pages and Database.
permitted by the admin of
of your members-only
the program). Most
importantly, sensitive
information like credit card
numbers, passwords are
stored in Triple-DES
encryption with
randomly-generated and
secret password. Accounts
are classified into types
with different properties
and purposes on each one.
Membership fees can be
collected according to the
types. If you do decide to
charge a fee on certain
type, the software will do
the job seamlessly for you.
Emails are used at various
stages to excel in services.

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Mar, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 25 2005

Date: Jul, 29 2004
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