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User Authentication


Login Database By Smo

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Hits: 480
The Login Database By Smo is
Login system complete with
AspUser is a comprehensive NT
VideoQuota password protects
an Active Server Page
admin area and lost password
user and permission
streaming media, and allows
Application written in the
retrieval via email.
management component. It
for pay per view, pay per
VBScript programming
Password protect all or part
provides you with an
minute, and pay per
language that allows you to
of your site in under ten
object-oriented programming
bandwidth. Use either Basic
maintain a members database
minutes. Well documented and
interface to NT user and
Authentication, or protect
on your web site and secure
easy to follow setup
group accounts as well as
By Referrer (allowing access
selected pages. Visitors can
access control lists of
only from approved
create/edit/delete accounts
files. Main features
websites). Includes Remote
and retrieve forgotten login
include: Ability to add,
administration tool, and
information via e-mail.
delete, rename and enumerate
integrates with online
Features include login info
NT users and groups, on a
credit card clearers
stored in cookie, password
local box or across server
(automatically adding the
encryption, confirm
and domain borders, Ability
username,password, and
registration via e-mail, 10
to retrieve and change
expiration date when a
authorization levels, 4
various user and group
purchase is made).
status levels, admin status,
account properties, Ability
statistics, e-mail members,
to allow users to change
complete member management,
their NT passwords over the
and automatic code
Web, Ability to change user
generation to protect your
membership information,
web site pages.
Ability to impersonate
arbitrary user accounts,
Ability to retrieve and
change Access Control Lists
(ACLs) of files and
directories, Ability to set
a file owner, and more.

Date: Sep, 08 2004

Date: May, 20 2002

Date: Sep, 23 1999

Date: Aug, 27 2003
xPermission is a MTS aware
The Compsys IntrPwd utility
AuthentiX100 is an essential
Now Supports Multiple User
component that gives you
is a component that checks
tool for website access
Authentication. Flogin! is
swift and easy access to
the structure and validity
management. It provides
an ASP script which can
information about, and
of the physical and logical
form-based or 100%
control access to web pages.
creation of Windows NT user
aspects of a password.
cookie-free "Basic
Just include flogin.asp in
groups and accounts. It
Features: Stores and
Authentication" website
your page and the content
encapsulates chosen parts of
maintains a user's name,
protection that keeps your
after the include would be
the Microsoft ADSI 2.0 NTLM
details and password in a
NT Users Names and Passwords
protected from unauthorized
provider. xPermission is
database; Checks the
private. AuthentiX100 allows
users. It is a simple ASP
perfect for handling
structure and validity of a
up to 100 users and 2 groups
login script mainly to
permission checking such as
password based on variable
(internal database only).
differentiate between an
Is user X a membor of group
parameters; Returns an
AuthentiX allows you to
administrator and other
Access Level of a User,
control user access to all
users. It uses the Session
based on the validity of the
of your members-only
Variable to restrict users
Username/Password; Expires
to access pages which you
and activates passwords;
wish to protect. The access
Restricts the use and re-use
username and password can be
of passwords, and
simply changed by editing
more. Tracks the number of
the flogin.asp script
unsuccessful log-in attempts.
variables "fUName"
and "fPWord".

Date: Feb, 22 2000

Date: Jul, 20 2001

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Mar, 22 2004
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