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User Authentication


AspID Password System

Hits: 452

ScriptMate User Manager

Hits: 449

AJLogin Ultra-Lite

Hits: 445
AspID is a dynamic password
This is an ASP and Access
ScriptMate User Manager is an
This is a bare minimum ASP
system with Web-based
solution to password protect
Advanced User Manager System
page protector. There is
administration. It is
pages on your website. It
and Password Protection
one password to protect
designed for Webmasters who
allows you to add as many
System. It allows you to
unlimited secure pages.
want to control entry into
users and passwords as you
signup users with custom
It is intended to
certain Web Pages on their
would like with ease. The
registration forms, provide
protect admin pages that are
site. AspID runs on your
system can be integrated in
multilevel password
only supposed to be viewed
Windows NT/2K Server and
3 easy steps. The knowledge
protection and manage the
by the webmaster.
uses Active Server Pages
of ASP is not required.
registered users. It can be
Written in ASP and
with a MS Access 2K database.
easily integrated with any
Javascript; compact, clean
existing ASP application. It
code - no DB, password
can be used with MS Access
stored in config file.
or MS SQL. Version 2.1
The login page remembers
includes many new features
the page the user was
like Ip security, 10
attempting to view when they
additional fields, multiple
were redirected, and sends
login security, message
them back to that page in
queueing for bulk emailing.
the event of a successful

Date: Jan, 09 2002

Date: Nov, 26 2001

Date: Aug, 26 2002

Date: Nov, 28 2003
This is a simple password
If you just need to password
iisPROTECTasp is a powerful
aspSmartSecurity allows you
script without using any
protect a single page or a
web site protection,
to manage NT permissions on
database. It is easy to
series of pages and you
authentication and login
files and folders very
configure, and for the
don't need multiple users
component. Some of its main
easily through your ASP
incorrect login, it displays
this simple code can be
features include: User audit
pages. It features: NT
an error message. Written in
pasted at the top of the
and logging, Send email to
permissions on files, NT
page or pages.
any selected users using
permissions on folders, ACE
full search criteria, User
type support (allowed or
Password reminder, Users can
denied access), ACE flag
change their own password
support to specify ACE
through a web interface, and
inheritance, NT Owner
managment, AccessMask String
for easy use, Ready-to-use
samples, and more.

Date: Oct, 17 2001

Date: Feb, 15 2000

Date: Dec, 13 2000

Date: Jun, 16 2000
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