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User Authentication


Ocean12 Membership Manager Pro

Hits: 273

Login Database By Smo

Hits: 592

CyberOffice Club

Hits: 175

Spooky Login

Hits: 602
An advanced membership
The Login Database By Smo is
Offers database-driven
Spooky Login is an ASP based
an Active Server Page
membership functions to your
login system with user
protection program written
Application written in the
Web site. It does what you
management features. It
entirely in ASP/VBScript.
VBScript programming
think it should: Accepts
features: send password,
Features unlimited users,
language that allows you to
applications from members,
self registration forms,
protected areas, and the
maintain a members database
assign username, password to
authentication via
ability to allow users to
on your web site and secure
the member upon successful
email,Paypal subscription,
register for access.
selected pages. Visitors can
completion of sign up.
expire users by date and by
create/edit/delete accounts
Provides a secure means to
login count, installation
and retrieve forgotten login
retrieve, update the
diagnostics page, supports
information via e-mail.
password and/or any account
SQL7 and Access 2000, email
Features include login info
information (to the extent
templates, and
stored in cookie, password
permitted by the admin of
more. Supported email
encryption, confirm
the program). Most
components include ASPEMAIL,
registration via e-mail, 10
importantly, sensitive
authorization levels, 4
information like credit card
status levels, admin status,
numbers, passwords are
SMTP, Easy Mail components.
statistics, e-mail members,
stored in Triple-DES
complete member management,
encryption with
and automatic code
randomly-generated and
generation to protect your
secret password. Accounts
web site pages.
are classified into types
with different properties
and purposes on each one.
Membership fees can be
collected according to the
types. If you do decide to
charge a fee on certain
type, the software will do
the job seamlessly for you.
Emails are used at various
stages to excel in services.

Date: Jan, 03 2005

Date: Sep, 08 2004

Date: Jul, 29 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004
Now Supports Multiple User
NetLogin Lite is a simple
ASP LanuchPad allows you to
ClanMan ASP Login is a small
Authentication. Flogin! is
application that will allow
have a global authentication
program that allows secure
an ASP script which can
you to password protect any
system for your website, and
protection for your entire
control access to web pages.
page. It can be used to
protect any no. of pages on
website. Some of the
Just include flogin.asp in
secure sensitive areas or
your website. Elegant forms
features: Unlimited security
your page and the content
individual pages, or for
and error displays. Uses
levels, Encrypted Passwords
after the include would be
sites that need single
advanced session time
that can be on or off, Email
protected from unauthorized
username and password.
techniques to give accuracy
verification, Cookie
users. It is a simple ASP
upto 3 milliseconds for
support, Full support of CSS
login script mainly to
timeout timings. Classes
differentiate between an
allow you to get user info,
administrator and other
query the DB, etc by one
users. It uses the Session
line code.
Variable to restrict users
to access pages which you
wish to protect. The access
username and password can be
simply changed by editing
the flogin.asp script
variables "fUName"
and "fPWord".

Date: Mar, 22 2004

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Mar, 04 2004
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