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/** Search */

User Authentication


AuthBot ASP Script

Hits: 841


Hits: 276


Hits: 724


Hits: 300
AuthBot is a simple asp image
CyberLogin is a Login and
iisPROTECT is a high
ASPProtect is an Advanced
verification that you can
Autorization system that
performance user
User Management Application
use to increase the security
stores information in MS
authentication, password
with web based screen area
of your online forms, such
Access Database. Features:
protection and member
that allows you to easily
as user logins, contact
Login system using email
system. It is a complete
manage users. Any pages you
forms, or email forms by
address as the user name;
turn key solution which
want to protect simply need
verifying a dynamicly
Forgot password email;
requires no programming or
one server side include at
generated random security
Automatically emails user
scripting and is fully
the top of the page. Pure
code. Authbot accomplishes
with a temp email; First
functional within minutes.
ASP Solution. No Dll's
this without making users
time login force user to set
It allows you to protect all
Supports PayPal
struggle to read skewed or
password; MS Access Database
web site files including
misaligned text images,
driven; Includes all Demo
images, databases, html, ASP
Using Flash it creates a
pages and Database.
etc. It features: Protect
clearly readable piece of
entire directories, users /
text that is NOT readable by
groups independent from
machine. Give it a try!
Windows accounts, complete
web administration, prevent
concurrent logins and
password cracking attempts,
and set quotas on hits,
logins, kb per user. New in
version 2.0: seamless
integration with
iisPROTECTcc and

Date: May, 11 2006

Date: Oct, 25 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
The nCubed.com Free Members
ASP User Engine is a User
ASP VT-Auth allows you to
DevCentral Simple Multi Login
Only script was developed in
Signup and Authentication
have a global authentication
Package This useful ASP
response to the many
system which only requires
system for members of your
application allows your
requests from online
simple configuration. User
website, protect any number
users access pages that are
development communities
Engine uses Microsoft Access
of pages and directories.
secured for visitors. This
requesting a simple password
2000 Database to store user
You don't need MS Access,
application is very easy to
protection schema.
information and logs date
mySQL or SQL databases to
use, maintain and configure.
Adding the password
and time of user logins, as
store usernames and
It is build for 2 kind of
protection to your page is
well as login counts. Also
passwords! All login
different level
relatively simple: Add two
allowing users to signup
information stored in one
access. 1. Users (single
"include" files,
with fully validated inputs
small text file. Each member
login) 2. Administrator
insert a couple of
to protect against SQL
has his own protected
conditional statements, add
injection. Further
folder. Simple configuration
your members to the allowed
features are 'Remember Me'
and Unlimited Users.
members list and you're
option using cookies to
done... easy peasy. What
allow users to stay logged
if you know nothing about
in until manually logging
ASP/VbScript? No worries at
out and template based error
all. The files you download
are all but ready to use.
There are comments in the
code explaining exactly what
you need to do and what not
to touch. All you really
need to do is copy and paste
your content into the
appropriate area and add
your members to the allowed
members list.

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Feb, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 25 2005
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