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User Authentication


ActiveX UserManager

Hits: 159

Advanced Password Protection

Hits: 201

AJLogin Ultra-Lite

Hits: 445

ASP LaunchPaD

Hits: 213
ActiveX UserManager is a set
This is an easy to set up
This is a bare minimum ASP
ASP LanuchPad allows you to
of simple objects for
ASP-based password
page protector. There is
have a global authentication
creating, deleting, and
protection system for your
one password to protect
system for your website, and
managing user accounts,
Web site. It features:
unlimited secure pages.
protect any no. of pages on
groups, servers and domains
Supports multiple access
It is intended to
your website. Elegant forms
in the Windows NT
levels, Web based
protect admin pages that are
and error displays. Uses
environment. Enables work
administration, and Simply
only supposed to be viewed
advanced session time
with user accounts and
include one server side
by the webmaster.
techniques to give accuracy
groups from VBS/JS, ASP and
include at the top of each
Written in ASP and
upto 3 milliseconds for
T-SQL. Features include: Add
of all pages you want to
Javascript; compact, clean
timeout timings. Classes
and remove users and groups,
code - no DB, password
allow you to get user info,
Add and remove user from a
stored in config file.
query the DB, etc by one
group, Local and global
The login page remembers
line code.
group enameration; User
the page the user was
enameration, Group members
attempting to view when they
and user groups enumeration;
were redirected, and sends
Name, Password and Account
them back to that page in
policy, Fullname, Comment,
the event of a successful
Last Logon, Logoff, Number
of logons, Enable, Disable,
Unlock, RAS (dialin)
properties, Script path,
Home dir, Profile, Change
password, and Logon hours.

Date: Jan, 12 2000

Date: Sep, 24 1999

Date: Nov, 28 2003

Date: Mar, 05 2004
AspID is a dynamic password
ASPProtect is an Advanced
ASPSecured is a security
aspSmartSecurity allows you
system with Web-based
User Management Application
management system for ASP
to manage NT permissions on
administration. It is
with web based screen area
pages and applications made
files and folders very
designed for Webmasters who
that allows you to easily
easy. NO dll's to install.
easily through your ASP
want to control entry into
manage users. Any pages you
User and group management,
pages. It features: NT
certain Web Pages on their
want to protect simply need
account expiration /
permissions on files, NT
site. AspID runs on your
one server side include at
deactivation, automated user
permissions on folders, ACE
Windows NT/2K Server and
the top of the page. Pure
signup, tracking, forgot
type support (allowed or
uses Active Server Pages
ASP Solution. No Dll's
your password, and mass
denied access), ACE flag
with a MS Access 2K database.
Supports PayPal
e-mail are only a few of the
support to specify ACE
features. Session variables
inheritance, NT Owner
of logged in users are
managment, AccessMask String
stored for simple
for easy use, Ready-to-use
integration into your
samples, and more.
existing apps. Intuitive
html remote interface.

Date: Jan, 09 2002

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Mar, 07 2002

Date: Jun, 16 2000
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