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Introduction to XML


A Technical Introduction to XML

Hits: 503

An Introduction to XML

Hits: 502

XML Tutorial

Hits: 433
This introduction to XML
XML is the latest
In this article, the author
Learn how to create an XML
presents the Extensible
platform-independent and
examines how JAX-RPC SOAP
document from scratch and
Markup Language at a
content-dependent technology
handlers process SOAP
find out why XML is becoming
reasonably technical level
available for Internet
message headers.
so important. Topics covered
for anyone interested in
development. XML is the tool
Specifically, he shows how a
include: popular XML
learning more about
of choice for distributing
handler adds a SOAP header
editors, basic XML syntax,
structured documents. In
structured information in
to an outgoing message and
how to properly nest your
addition to covering the XML
this age. XML not only
how a corresponding handler
XML tags, and much more.
1.0 Specification, this
fulfills the needs of web
removes the SOAP header from
article outlines related XML
authors but also those of
an incoming message. In
specifications, which are
anyone interested in
addition, he presents the
evolving. The article is
publishing. Oracle, IBM and
JAX-RPC programmatic
organized in four main
Microsoft are coming out
configuration and deployment
sections plus an appendix.
with XML-related software
models as they relate to
and this gives sufficient
this topic.
indications about the future
of XML in the IT industry.
This article covers such
topics as SGML, HTML and
XML, What is DTD - Document
Type Definition, Valid and
Well-formed XML, Example XML
Documents and analysis, and
Software for XML.

Date: Jun, 19 2000

Date: Jul, 10 2000

Date: Apr, 28 2004

Date: Aug, 02 2006
This XML guide explains XML
Coming straight to the point,
This session will introduce
This paper addresses one of
uses, categories, elements
XML stands for EXtensible
you to the basics of XML.
the challenges faced by the
and types of XML documents.
Markup Language. As the name
Additionally, it will
companies participating in
XML structure, document type
suggests, it is a language
provide you with an
the eCommerce revolution:
definition, element
that can be molded according
introduction to building and
architecting an eCommerce
attributes, and extensible
to the need of the hour.
consuming XML Web services.
solution that allows you to
stylesheet language (XSL) is
Personally, I don't think
communicate with your
calling it a language is
customers on today's
justified, but I fanatically
devices, yet will adapt to
follow the ordinance of the
the devices of the future.
techie Gurus, and if they
This paper proposes such an
say it is a language, then
architecture, one that is
it is a language.
built using eXtensible
Markup Language (XML)
technologies to provide an
infrastructure that will
protect your investment and
ensure extensibility moving

Date: Jul, 08 2001

Date: Oct, 17 2006

Date: Jan, 09 2004

Date: Jan, 16 2004
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