This paper will cover the
XPointer, the XML Pointer
XSL Formatting Objects
XML Schema is one of the most
following topics: HTML vs.
Language, defines an
(XSL-FO) are the second half
important facets of Web
XHTML; XHTML modularization
addressing scheme for
of the Extensible Stylesheet
Services. It is the ultimate
and XHTML Basic; well-formed
individual parts of an XML
Language (XSL). XSL-FO is an
type system; however it is
XML documents; names and
document. These addresses
XML application that
also really arcane to learn
namespaces; global
can be used by any
describes how pages will
a figure out how to
attributes and XLink;
application that needs to
look when presented to a
leverage. Drill into what's
namespace URI and RDDL
identify parts of or
reader. A style sheet uses
important for you understand
(XHTML Basic + XLink).
locations in an XML
the XSL transformation
in order to get the most out
document. For instance, an
language to transform an XML
of specification. Learn
XML editor could use an
document in a semantic
about schema creation best
XPointer to identify the
vocabulary into a new XML
practices, where to start
current position of the
document that uses the
and what tools to use,
insertion point or the range
XSL-FO presentational
versioning, serialization
of the selection. An
vocabulary. While one can
and validation of messages.
XInclude processor can use
hope that Web browsers will
Walk away with a clear
an XPointer to determine
one day know how to directly
understanding on how and why
what part of a document to
display data marked up with
to use XML Schema, .NET
include. And the URI in an
XSL formatting objects, for
Framework support and how
XLink can include an
now an additional step is
schema drives WSDL and Web
XPointer fragment identifier
necessary in which the
Service message parsing.
that locates one particular
output document is further
element in the targeted
transformed into some other
document. XPointers use the
format, such as Adobe's PDF.
same XPath syntax that
you're familiar with from
XSL transformations to
identify the parts of the
document they point to,
along with a few additional
Date: Jan, 24 2005 Date: Jul, 08 2005 Date: Jul, 05 2005 Date: Jan, 25 2004 |
Provides a central location
The recent rush to adopt XML
This tutorial describes:
When designing XML and Web
for everything that a
can be attributed in part to
Simple XML Elements with
services schemata you will
developer needs to know
the hope that the static
Pre-defined Data Types
often (and ideally) reuse
about XML technologies (XML,
typing provided by DTDs (or
Simple XML Elements with
data elements defined in
XSLT, XLL, SVG and about 40
more sophisticated
Extended Data Types Complex
pre-existing standards. If
other categories). You will
mechanisms such as
XML Elements Simple Content
so, it is extremely useful
find examples with Source
XML-Schema) will improve the
XML Elements Empty XML
to include links to such
Code, Tutorials, Tools,
robustness of data exchange
Elements Anomymous Data
standards, providing precise
Resources, Books, etc.
and processing. However,
Types Sample XSD File -
data dictionary references.
although XML documents can
In so doing, you make
be checked for conformance
processing and maintenance
with DTDs, current XML
easier to automate. This tip
processing languages offer
illustrates this practice.
no way of verifying that
programs operating on XML
structures will always
produce conforming outputs.
Date: Oct, 26 2004 Date: Jun, 24 2005 Date: Aug, 14 2006 Date: Jun, 01 2004 |