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Introduction to XML


The CTDP XML Guide

Hits: 444
The recent rush to adopt XML
Data binding, although
This XML guide explains XML
In this article, the author
can be attributed in part to
commonplace in today's world
uses, categories, elements
examines how JAX-RPC SOAP
the hope that the static
of Java technology and XML
and types of XML documents.
handlers process SOAP
typing provided by DTDs (or
programming, is still
XML structure, document type
message headers.
more sophisticated
largely misunderstood. This
definition, element
Specifically, he shows how a
mechanisms such as
column throws out all the
attributes, and extensible
handler adds a SOAP header
XML-Schema) will improve the
theoretical claptrap and
stylesheet language (XSL) is
to an outgoing message and
robustness of data exchange
focuses on the concepts you
how a corresponding handler
and processing. However,
need to get started with
removes the SOAP header from
although XML documents can
data binding. You will
an incoming message. In
be checked for conformance
understand the differences
addition, he presents the
with DTDs, current XML
between general data binding
JAX-RPC programmatic
processing languages offer
and data binding in the XML
configuration and deployment
no way of verifying that
world, as well as
models as they relate to
programs operating on XML
round-tripping, semantic
this topic.
structures will always
equivalence, and what to
produce conforming outputs.
look for in a data binding

Date: Jun, 24 2005

Date: May, 06 2004

Date: Jul, 08 2001

Date: Apr, 28 2004
Java APIs for XML-Based
When designing XML and Web
XML namespaces are an
Over time, XML has permeated
Remote Procedure Call's
services schemata you will
imperfect solution to a
many niches. One area where
often (and ideally) reuse
difficult problem. From
XML is used increasingly is
data elements defined in
basic information
in the configuration of
mapping rules do not try to
pre-existing standards. If
architecture to difficulties
graphical user interfaces,
preserve Java constructs
so, it is extremely useful
with APIs, namespaces can
especially in elements that
during roundtripping. Many
to include links to such
open up rather painful
are persistent but should
constructs are preserved,
standards, providing precise
gotchas if used carelessly.
not be fixed at
but not all. This tip
data dictionary references.
In this article, Uche Ogbuji
compile-time. In this
describes, in particular,
In so doing, you make
covers some of the more
installment, David looks at
why following Java coding
processing and maintenance
important design principles
the use of XML in Mac OS X's
conventions is very
easier to automate. This tip
which, if followed, can
Aqua GUI, and in the K
important to maintaining the
illustrates this practice.
minimize problems with
Desktop Environment (KDE)
ability to roundtrip.
which is either standard or
available in most modern
Linux distributions.

Date: Apr, 10 2004

Date: Jun, 01 2004

Date: Apr, 20 2004

Date: Apr, 30 2004
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