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1st Page 2000

Hits: 743

ABC Amber PDF Converter

Hits: 728

ABC Amber PDF Merger

Hits: 703

ABC Amber Word2Excel Converter

Hits: 256
Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 helps
ABC Amber PDF Converter is a
ABC Amber PDF Merger is the
ABC Amber Word2Excel
you write, edit and improve
powerful tool which allows
award-winning, powerful tool
Converter is an advanced
your HTML, its powerful
you to convert PDF to any
that allows you to easily
utility which helps you
tools let you author
document format (HTML, RTF,
split and merge a number of
convert tables from DOC (MS
websites faster, easier and
TXT Ansi, TXT Unicode, DOC,
PDFs. The split and merge
Word) files to XLS (MS
better. Key features
functionality is based on
Excel) easily and
include: 3 primary
WS7, WRI, etc.) easily and
PDF page ranges. Important
quickly. The software
development modes
quickly. You can export all
note: Adobe Acrobat doesn't
supports a batch conversion,
(easy/expert/hardcore), 450+
pages or just selected page,
need to be installed.
a run from command line,
Javascripts/VBScripts, DHTML
as plain text or as preview
more than 50 languages.
Zone with re-usable DHTML
pictures. Currently our
Batch conversion ability
scripts, Full support for
software supports more than
allows you to convert a
SSI, CGI, Perl, Cold Fusion,
50 languages, and more to
unlimited number of DOC
ASP, Javascript Rollover
come. Free for registered
files at a time.
Images, Javascript/VBScript
users of ABC Amber Text
Object Tree, HTML Source
Converter program.
Compressor - Reduce webpage
file size, Flash
Support, 6 Common Javascript
Wizards, Includes over 20+
cgi/perl/htmlscripts from
Matt's Script, Open Document
From the Web, Source Code
Formatter, Complete Web
Building Reference, and more.

Date: Jun, 11 2000

Date: Jun, 17 2003

Date: Nov, 06 2003

Date: Mar, 02 2004
XML (Extensible Markup
AceHTML is an advanced HTML
Admin Script Editor (ASE)
The ADSI Scriptomatic is
Language) is the key format
editing software. It
offers administrators a
designed to help you write
in today's environment. This
includes efficient and
targeted solution to
ADSI scripts; that is,
language allows us to
intuitive user interface,
scripting with several
scripts that can be used to
describe and deliver
HTML checker and more.
features found nowhere else.
manage Active Directory. The
structured data from any
ASE supports VBScript,
ADSI Scriptomatic also
application. However
KiXtart, AutoIt and Batch
teaches you an important
sometimes this format is not
scripting languages and
point about ADSI scripting:
easy to read. ABC Amber XML
offers: * Script Packager
like WMI, there are
Converter is a powerful
– Create secure executable
consistent patterns to ADSI
XML/XSL processor which
packages from script with
converts your XML documents
the ability to run with
into any document format
alternate credentials. You
may include support files,
TXT Unicode, DOC, MCW, WRI,
dictate several security
options, specify an optional
WSD, and more) easily and
system tray icon and tool
tip to display during
execution, and more. *
WMI Code Wizard – Provides
sample data for properties
so you can choose which
properties you wish to use.
Extensive customization
options allow full control
over generated script
code. * ScriptSense – See
the syntax for functions
appear as you type. As you
type each parameter for the
function, that parameter is
highlighted to help you keep
your place. * Integrated
Keyword Help – ASE uses its
own database of syntax,
samples and more to provide
keyword help for all
supported languages right
within the editor! *
Collapsible code – Organize
your script and make it more
readable with the ability to
collapse regions of code.

Date: Jun, 23 2003

Date: Aug, 15 2003

Date: Dec, 01 2004

Date: Aug, 17 2003
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