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Script and Text Editors


Web Developer

Hits: 1518

MLEditor Standard Edition

Hits: 1388

PSPad editor

Hits: 1194

ADSI Scriptomatic

Hits: 1116
Web Developer is a web
1. Intelligent multi-language
PSPad editor is a programmers
The ADSI Scriptomatic is
development environment with
reader and editor 2.
editor with support for
designed to help you write
a lot of functions that
Transfers between
multiple syntax highlighting
ADSI scripts; that is,
simplify typesetting,
Unicode/Unicode BE and ANSI
profiles. It comes with a
scripts that can be used to
navigating through your
(any language)/UTF-8 3.
hex editor, CP conversion,
manage Active Directory. The
code, testing, and site
Full series of code transfer
text differences, templates,
ADSI Scriptomatic also
management. The software
services between Simplified
macros, spellcheck option,
teaches you an important
supports customized
Chinese (GBK) and
auto-completion, Code
point about ADSI scripting:
shortcuts and autocompletes,
Traditional Chinese (Big5)
Explorer and much more. The
like WMI, there are
syntax highlighting for
at professional quality
program is pre-configured
consistent patterns to ADSI
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl,
based on leading intelligent
for the most popular
and PHP. You can break your
high precision code transfer
programming languages (VB,
code into sections and
engine 4. Professional
C++, SQL, PHP, ASP, Python
subsections and navigate
control editor 5. Handy
etc.) and you can further
quickly between them. You
text file previewer and
customize the syntax
can quickly access HTML,
editor 6. Desktop sticky
settings. PSPad includes
CSS, JavaScript, Perl, and
note and much more
several additional tools
PHP help indexes on the web
that are especially useful
or on your local computer.
for HTML editing (compress,
Project management: save
format code) and also
state between sessions
integrates TopStyle Lite and
(including opened files and
TidyHTML. The program can be
cursor position), archive
used as IDE for any
project folder, update files
compiler. Additional
on the server. The software
features include support for
is commercial, testing
project, file browsing,
period is not limited.
custom shortcuts, built-in
FTP client to edit files on
the server and much more.

Date: Oct, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 14 2005

Date: Mar, 06 2006

Date: Aug, 17 2003
A unique editor with
Automation Anywhere is an
PHP Editors have reviewed
ScriptPad is excellent
specialized functions for
intelligent automation
many PHP Editors all with
HTML/XML/VBS editor and
HTML, VBScript, DHTML and
software for business &
user comments and ratings.
Notepad replacement for
CSS. Also includes support
IT tasks. Automate complex
The website also run PHP
viewing source code with
for javascript and PHP.
tasks in minutes, without
Programming Contests each
Internet Explorer. It has
Includes text color syntax
any programming. Record
month were entrants can win
many tools to make life
highlighting, format
keyboard & mouse or
their favourite Editors,
easier. Some include:
debugging. Built-in object
create automation scripts
Hosting, Books etc. The PHP
HTML/XML Syntax checker; XML
browser, color picker, color
with wizards. Features SMART
Help Forums are a great
Formatter; Insertion of
sampler. Toggling,
automation technology,
source of knowledge as it
several types of code blocks
resizable browser window to
scheduler, repeat, multiple
the new Tutorials Section.
including style sheets and
view current HTML page.
variable & debugging
scripts; VB Tools to help
Code completion auto-insert
support, interactive
create Interface and
popup for VBS and CSS.
scripts, conditional, file
components which implement
Auto-insert buttons for HTML.
& Internet commands,
those interfaces; Registry
Turbo-speed, customizable UI
tools to check for broken
etc. Premier license allows
components. The original
task to exe capability.
motivation for this tool was
to replace Notepad when
viewing source code from
within IE. It has grown to
be much more than that.

Date: Oct, 04 2005

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 29 2002
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