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Script and Text Editors



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CSS Design Wizard

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Hits: 209
ConTEXT is a small, fast and
Simple wizard requires no
CutePage is a robust and
DailyEdit is an advanced and
powerful text editor for
coding but saves significant
powerful web page editor
easy-to-use professional
software developers.
time and effort creating
that support both code and
text editor, HTML editor and
Unlimited open files,
professional quality CSS
visual editing modes, site
programmers editor that
unlimited editing file size
website and blogger designs.
management and file upload.
combines powerful editing
length, 4kB line length,
Increased freedom allows
It provides an extensive set
commands, extensive
powerful syntax highlighting
more exciting designs to be
of visual tools and
configurability, a
for C/C++, Delphi/Pascal,
produced. Creates modern,
templates to speed up page
consistent and logical
80x86 assembler, Java, Java
compliant, SEO friendly
creation. The standalone
interface, and speedy
Script, Visual Basic,
websites by instantly
Site Manager makes site
operation. DailyEdit
Perl/CGI, HTML, SQL, Python,
reproducing versions of most
management and upload all
features powerful, automatic
PHP, Tcl/Tk, user defineable
modern websites then makes
the way easier. It also
and customizable color
syntax highlighters, project
it easy for anyone to
provides a full host of
syntax highlighting, with
workspaces, compiler
customise them to their own
Java/Javascript/DHML tools
source code for popular
integration, multilanguage
requirements. Integrates
to create a large variety of
programming languages. You
support and many many more
with superblogging website
buttons, menus, banners and
can create own syntax file
content management software.
other special effects.
to support other programming
CutePage is a great web
authoring tool that fits
both beginners and advanced
web authors.

Date: May, 03 2005

Date: Aug, 27 2006

Date: Jun, 13 2000

Date: Mar, 07 2003
DzSoft WebPad is an
ED for Windows is a smart
EditPlus is an
Designed knowing that your
extensible HTML editor with
language sensitive
Internet-ready, 32-bit text
time is valuable, eNotepad
PHP and ASP syntax
programmer's editor, with a
editor for Windows. While it
eliminates the hassles of
highlighting. Features
breadth and depth of
can serve as a good
using a generic text editor.
one-click preview in
powerful editing
replacement for Notepad, it
A familiar Windows interface
built-in browser, HTML Tidy
capabilities you're unlikely
also offers many powerful
combined with enriched
tool from the World Wide Web
to find elsewhere. ED goes
features for Web page
functionality allows you to
Consortium to format and
beyond editing giving you
authors and programmers. It
effortlessly complete any
cleanup your HTML code and
instant access to every
has powerful syntax
text editing task at hand.
much more. You can add
function and class with its
highlighting for HTML, ASP,
After using eNotepad one
virtually any feature to
Source Database Engine,
JavaScript, VBScript, Perl,
time, you'll quickly realize
DzSoft WebPad with the power
unmatched Visual File
Java, C/C++ and any other
that you can't live without
of conventional HTML and
Compare, integrated Compiler
programming languages, based
it. With eNotepad you can:
support, fast multi-threaded
on the default syntax files
View and edit multiple files
Regular Expression Search
or user-defined syntax
at once, Instantly open
Engine, fully configurable
files, for both screen
multiple files, Quickly
UI, and quick access to
display and printing.
browse and open files using
files using Projects. ED
Internet features include a
the Explorer view, Scrapbook
includes support for 34
seamless Web browser for
-Similar to Windows
programming languages out of
previewing HTML contents and
Clipboard but better,
the box including PHP, Perl,
Java applets without leaving
Highlight specific text for
Java, C/C++, HTML and many
the editor, highlighting and
easy editing, Organize and
activating URLs and e-mail
manage your work, Quickly
addresses, an HTML toolbar
find a specific line number,
for common HTML tags with a
Save key strokes by using
color picker, a character
code templates, and more.
picker and a table
generator. Other features
include custom tools with an
output window,
auto-completion for common
phrases, cliptext, column
selection,powerful search
and replace, a spell
checker, customizable
keyboard shortcuts, column
markers, and more.

Date: Apr, 01 2002

Date: Jul, 23 2002

Date: Feb, 11 2001

Date: Nov, 05 1999
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