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Java & JavaScript



Hits: 350

Web Designers Toolkit Plus

Hits: 348

AllWebMenus LITE

Hits: 344
SuperScroller v1.0 is an
Professional Web Toolkit for
Create cross-browser popup or
QuickTable can be used as
easy-to-use and customizable
Webmasters. Integrate
drop-down web menus in just
Database Grid
scrolling ticker solution
winning-award and
minutes with AllWebMenus.
EJBs/DataObjects Grid
that can be used for link
professional script
This dhtml-Javascript menu
Delimited/Fixed length
navigation or to display
authoring tools into one
builder requires no
data file Grid
dhtml-Javascript experience
from you, and you can easily
Grid QuickTable is built
link your web menus to your
on top of JTable, so you
web pages in only seconds!
don't have to learn any new

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: May, 13 2006

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2006
Rock-Me v1.0 is an
Pic-Share v1.0 is an
Cube-U v1.0 is an easy-to-use
MJS is a fully parametrable
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and completely
and completely customizable
java slideshow applet. Runs
customizable vertical
customizable photo album
preview-type menu system
in the middle of a web page,
navigation menu with custom
with support for special
that includes custom cursor
window or fullscreen, with
cursor support, support for
effects and up to 20
support, support for special
crossfading, realtime color
special effects (dropshadow,
different photos or other
effects and a variety of
filters, easy setup,
transparancy, etc) and
images (more can be added if
border styles.
advanced features. MJS is a
embedded images within menu
necessary or simply link
great improvement for your
individual albums together).
web site !

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: May, 12 2006
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