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Hits: 1585
Free biorhythm applet with a
SD-Scroll v1.0 is an
Tee-Tip v1.0 is an
Automatically creates PNG,
high level of customization
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and completely
JPG and GIF image files for
of look and feel. It also
customizable vertical news
customizable tool-tip
captioned buttons; along
can easily be localized to
scroller with support for
solution. Simply place the
with sample HTML; and
any language just by editing
images, custom backgrounds,
cursor over a Tee-Tip
optional javascript code to
the applets parameters in
links, adjustable scroll
enabled word, sentence or
pop up different images as
the embedding HTML code. You
speed/direction and 9
paragraph and a tooltip
your mouse passes over or
may use this applet freely
different frame styles.
appears containing the
clicks each button. All
on your website.
associated content.
without ever using a paint

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Feb, 08 2006

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Jun, 16 2006
SuperWin v1.0 is an
JavaScript-producing design
The MoneyToys Collection of
ScrollMe v1.0 is an easy to
easy-to-use and customizable
tool for creating menus on
14 web site calculators is
use and ultra-smooth
pop-up window solution.
web pages. The menu script
designed to give you a
However, unlike annoying
can be customized highly and
simple way to add instant
conventional pop-ups,
easily. With this
interactivity to a real
SuperWin v1.0 has a number
easy-to-use script authoring
estate web site by providing
of display options and can
tool, you can make a
online calculators which are
only be clicked through
professional menu just in
easy to install.
voluntary visitor

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 18 2007

Date: Feb, 11 2007

Date: Nov, 16 2005
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