Thumb-View v1.0 is a
Frame-It v1.0 is an
JavaScript Plus! is an
Photo-Phriend v1.0 is an
customizable preview-type
easy-to-use and completely
advanced JavaScript editor
easy-to-use and completely
menu system that includes
customizable photo slideshow
for windows.
Modern, clean
customizable photo slideshow
custom cursor support,
with support for a variety
and convenient interface,
with support for a variety
support for special effects
of frame styles and includes
quick startup, true
of frame styles, 17
a variety of border styles,
a number of extra frame
flexibility and powerful
different special effects
embedded images in titles
backgrounds and custom
features allow you to create
(transitions), and includes
and more.
cursor support.
and edit JavaScript.
a number of extra frame
backgrounds and custom
cursor support.
Date: Feb, 08 2006 Date: Nov, 16 2005 Date: Nov, 08 2006 Date: Feb, 08 2006 |
Drop-Box v1.0 is an
Ball-Bar v1.0 is an
JUnitConv is an universal
Thumb-Show v1.0 is an
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and completely
Units of Measure Converter
easy-to-use and completely
customizable vertical
customizable vertical
built as a Java Applet, it
customizable preview-type
navigation menu with custom
navigation menu with custom
supports an unlimited number
menu system that includes
cursor support, support for
cursor support (including
of Units Categories, Units
custom cursor support,
special effects, embedded
support for special effects)
of Measure and Multiplier
support for special effects
images within menu titles
and comes with a number of
Prefixes that could be
and a variety of border
and textual previews.
extra button sets.
customized using external
text files.
Date: Feb, 08 2006 Date: Nov, 16 2005 Date: Dec, 09 2006 Date: Feb, 08 2006 |