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Math & Scientific Tools



Hits: 478


Hits: 473

WebCab Optimization for .NET

Hits: 471

Flow Pro

Hits: 463
NLREG performs nonlinear
Freeware for fast training,
Add refined procedures for
Visually design waterways and
regression and curve
validation, and application
solving uni and multi
channels. Graphical and easy
fitting. NLREG fits a
of neural and conventional
dimensional, local or global
to use. Enhanced plotting
mathematical function whose
classifiers including MLP,
optimization problems to
features. Report ready
form you specify to a set of
functional link net,
your .NET, COM, and XML Web
results compatible with
data values. Virtually any
piecewise linear net,
service Applications.
Excel. Supports both English
type of function can be
nearest neighbor classifier,
Specialized Linear
and SI (metric)
self organizing map.
programming algorithm based
units. Handles circular,
Extensive help. C source for
on the Simplex Algorithm and
trapezoidal, ushaped, and
trained nets
duality, included.
tubular channel shapes

Date: Aug, 25 2004

Date: Apr, 06 2005

Date: Oct, 04 2004

Date: May, 10 2006
CASC calculates recipes for
A High Performance Math
Geometric and strength
Calculation of the optimum
solution preparation and
Parser. The Acid Library is
designs of helical
cross-section of slender
converts concentrations
the ideal component for
compression cylindrical
struts strained for buckling
automatically taking density
large mathematical
springs loaded with static
and strength check
changes into account thanks
computations. Features
or fatigue loading.
calculation according to
to built in database of
include basic mathematics,
Application supports
Johnson, Tetmajer, Euler and
substances. It also helps in
brackets, advanced functions
Imperial and Metric units,
Secant method. Simple
dilution and mixed solutions
and constants.
is based on ANSI, ISO, DIN
definition of the strut type
standards and support many
- 40 types of predefined
2D and 3D CAD systems.
cross sections.

Date: May, 07 2005

Date: Jan, 22 2007

Date: Jun, 29 2006

Date: Jun, 29 2006
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